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Deleted User
In: NA
Posts: 6852
I heard the debate on the radio this afternoon & now see this ... its true ...Oxfordshire could soon become a county with no speed cameras after a council vote to cut road safety funding.Council leaders want to save £600,000 from their road safety budget - money which would have been given to the Thames Valley Road Safety Partnership.The partnership operates the county's 72 fixed and 89 mobile camera locations and say they will now withdraw from the county by the end of the month.The cabinet vote has to be ratified by the full council on Tuesday.The partnership says the cut equates to a 71% drop in their income from the council and enforcement at mobile sites will cease "with immediate effect".Partnership communication manager Dan Campsall said: "The cut in partnership funding is so drastic that full and immediate withdrawal of services is the only option."There's a serious danger we will see an increase in casulaties. We may be counting the cost of this in terms of bodies."Although the cameras do generate cash from fines, the money is processed through the courts into central government coffers and not necessarily back into road safety.An Oxfordshire County Council spokesman said they were merely passing on cuts imposed by central government.
In: Redditch
Posts: 748
Wonder how they'll explain it when / if casualty statistics don't change.
Deleted User
In: NA
Posts: 6852
Apparently Swindon did it last year ... and they did not change at all
In: Redditch
Posts: 748
Lets hope many other councils see things the same way.
Just maybe, some money might get diverted to sensible, effective safety measures instead.
In: Birmingham in th
Posts: 2510
All the revenue from speed cameras goes to the treasury so its a good way for councils to show their displeasure at cuts.
Don't be suprised if they aren't the last.
In: Birmingham in th
Posts: 2510
Just heard on news that council have approved 11 million quid in cuts which includes the speed cameras.
Deleted User
In: NA
Posts: 6852
Yeah but they had roughly the same cut from their budgets!
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