online gaming

21 Posts | Latest reply on 27/05/2010 21:21:39 by bandit blue | Go to original / last post
bandit blue's Profile
bandit blue

In: leicester
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come on then lets find out. ho the online gamers are and what you play .i do play myself .call of duty..modern warfare                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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    'Text Twist', 'Solitaire' and 'Hangaroo' lol                                                                                                                                                                               
anneka56's Profile

In: Stockport
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canasta, dominos (9's), blackjack,gin,literati   on yahoo  games                                                                                                                                                                              
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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cod modernwarfare 2 and farcry on PC                                                                                                                                                                             
DG99's Profile

In: Nottingham
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Subscription just run out last week but Planetside (MMOFPS) for the last 7 years, I'm such a nerd Cry                                                                                                                                                                              
darylt's Profile

In: Halesowen
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Left 4 Dead 2, nothing like killing zombies. LOL                                                                                                                                                                              
Brummie Jackie's Profile
Brummie Jackie

In: Hobbit HQ
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Ooooooo i read it wrong ............... thought it was another form of gaming !!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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Up until last year I was playing World of Warcraft, prior to that it was Everquest. Then I realised how much of my life they were swallowing up and stopped playing.These days it's just a few web based games that don't really take up any time.                                                                                                                                                                             
WheelyNealy's Profile

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little big  planet PS3 not mine but its ace                                                                                                                                                                              
bluesbiker's Profile

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Forza 3 and COD on xbox360. Geek                                                                                                                                                                             
Matt's Profile

In: Veldhoven
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what about biker games? Online or offline.  What do you play?   I don't play any cos im not into racing.   My other fav games are BF2 on the PC and FSX for practicing my flying studies.                                                                                                                                                                             
Santa3644's Profile

In: Sidcup
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I play the occational solitaire and sudoku, but both my sons are heavily into WoW and they lost the plot. So much that one of them already spend 3 months in rehab to get of the s***... I can only everybody to leave their hands of that - it effects the whole family cos all the do is live in that virtual world and loss the touch with reality encluding friends and job Cry very hard pill to swallow for the family...
Deleted Member's Profile
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WheelyNealy's Profile

In: Near Driffield
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TT superbikes   got the hole isle a man mapped out  gr8 gameThumbs Up specialy mad sunday with the trafic on                                                                                                                                                                              
46Rossi's Profile

In: Bridlington
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I can crash me way round that game too !!! lol                                                                                                                                                                              
WheelyNealy's Profile

In: Near Driffield
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LOL yeah bit your real life driving  rossi lol
brad_the_impaler's Profile

In: Saundersfoot, Pe
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Blimey! Didn't realise Planetside was still going, used to be well into that years ago. Hmmn, best bike game for me has to be Tourist Trophy on PS2, graphics are a bit dated now but the feel of the game is spot on IMO. Like Moto GP 08 on xbox360 too, nice to pretend you're Rossi now and then Wink                                                                                                                                                                              
feistygirl's Profile

In: Rochdale
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two really old games for me.. Unreal Tournament and Freelancer                                                                                                                                                                              
Warhed's Profile

In: London, Ruislip
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City Of Heroes mostly - (I'm  @WARHED, on Defiant server)

Left 4 Dead 1 on occasion.

(UT and Freelancer - wow, blasts from the past there, both absolutely top games IMO)                                                                                                                                                                              
DG99's Profile

In: Nottingham
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Brad they are talking about Planetside2 now, updated graphics and engine, as the original game looks so outdated now and has a lot of hackers on it using a cheat programme thats undetectable by Sony.  In fact the main reason why I didn't resubscribe is that I found out that 50% of the players I regularly played with were cheating and had been doing for the last 6 months!  Hopefully they will integrate some sort of anti-hack into the game as well so that this deplorable situation doesn't occur again.

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