2 Rottys for sale

12 Posts | Latest reply on 30/03/2007 13:34:53 by Bikerjulia | Go to original / last post
Bikerjulia's Profile

In: Warrington
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I have asked Matt if its ok that I can post this, and he sed yes (thanks Matt).   I have 2 lovely Rottweiller pups, approx 17 months old, brother and sister that I need to re-home. My circumstances have changed so much that I now have to work at least a 12 hour day, and its so unfair on the pups been stuck in all day. Both pups have been doctored and had their injections, (1 of them is overdue a booster though), they are right funny characters, and I will guarantee they wont let anyone in the house unless u invite them lol. I do not want the dogs going for guard dogs, they need to be in a loving household (lets just say the buggers sleep on the bed with me , thats how spoilt they are lol), preferably with no small kids, cos they have never been around them.I am looking for 250 quid for the pair, they do not have any KC papers with them and they havent had their tails docked. I will be gutted to see them go, but I am being selfish keeping them, I have to do whats best for the pups and not me :-(   If u are interested or know of anyone then just send me a message, but I insist on coming to potential buyers homes to see if the dogs will settle.                                                                                                                                                                               
storm's Profile

In: derbyshire
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AWWWW JULIA ALL THE BEST HUNNY ON FINDING GREAT HOMES FOR THEM BOTH. HARD DECISION TO MAKE BUT AT LEAST YOUR THINKING OF THEM THATS A BRAVE AND NICE THING TO DO                                                                                                                                                                              
Bikerjulia's Profile

In: Warrington
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I get  tear in my eye evertime I think about handing them over to someone, but its just gotta be done mate, they got no life here with me, and by the time I get home from work I am too knackered to walk them, its just not fair on emCry And I bet u all thought I was a dead hard biker, damn I am showing me true colours now shhhhh dont tell anyone lol                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

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Secrets safe with us hun. xx                                                                                                                                                                             
gsrider's Profile

In: peterborough
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sorry to hear   that you  are having to part with your dogs   julia i have an 11 month old rottie here mad as a hatter so i know how you feel                                                                                                                                                                             
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yeah can sympathise Julia - got two Dobes that I bred and have had from pups myself - characters and spoilt rotten but def part of family.  Day at a time hun, you're doing the right thing by them and once you have found the right person and they're happily settled and you get regular updates, you wont feel so bad and know you've done the right thing!!! Never easy making these decisions but part of owning animals too!! Sandy tc                                                                                                                                                                             
Bikerjulia's Profile

In: Warrington
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Thanks people, u see I got 2 other dogs aswell, a 3 year old German Shepard and a 9 year old Saluki cross, both of which are rescue dogs, but them 2 are quite happy just chilling out, u know eating popcorn and watching TV all day lol. The Rotties were for my then live in boyfriend but seen as he is now living over 200 miles away I am pretty much stuck, especially with 4 large breed dogs. I just wish I could find em a good homeCry poor little buggers                                                                                                                                                                             
storm's Profile

In: derbyshire
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have you checked out your local rspca, or your local rottie rescue center cos some people put their names down for certain breeds coming in. it may help and i know thy track the new owners as well. good luck hunny                                                                                                                                                                             
Bikerjulia's Profile

In: Warrington
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I spoke to the local Rotty rescue and they sed they cant take them at the moment, due to the recent bad press they have got loads, and I have to give them 75 quid per dog when they can take em                                                                                                                                                                              
storm's Profile

In: derbyshire
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awwww wot a bummer julia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
gsrider's Profile

In: peterborough
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jula have you  tried  a rottie rescue  centre  think its called dizzys   they can be found on the net  think they r in midlands somewhere                                                                                                                                                                             
Bikerjulia's Profile

In: Warrington
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Thanks GS but I spoke to the local Rotty rescue and they cant help at the mo. Will advertise them again next time I get paid.  I mihgt have to move house real soon and dunno if I can take em with me, very long story                                                                                                                                                                             

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