
105 Posts | Latest reply on 21/05/2010 15:08:58 by Deleted User | Go to original / last post
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I've been going to bike rallys and shows for a long time now, is it just me or are a lot of these so called biker rallys by bikers for bikers starting to reek alittle of good old capitalism.? The bar prices especially are getting on more than pub/ club prices at some of them.   As for the road kill,Pig I mean food venders, they should be shot either that or working for Alistair Darling, those tossersCensored could sort out the national debt in a couple of years they prices they charge.   Don't get me wrong I know there are overheads but come on if you have ever organised any type of event you will know by the numbers and the stance charges for vendors that it isn't just for the overheads.....    It is getting to the stage where if you are not well of you will not be able to afford to go to these rallys.   I have been to some smaller ones a special mention to the Roadburners, great rally nothing inflated about the prices at all, the food vender wasn't charged silly money to pitch his food trolley and he kept his usual prices that he charges on his everyday pitch near the town, the result you don't leave on a sunday absolutely broke but you got the head to prove you had a few and the coffee and bacon to absorb it in the morning without breaking the bank.   So what do the guys and gals think are MCC Rallys starting to become a commercial venture rather than the old tradional purpose of bringing bikers together in a neutral Handshakesetting for a good old piss upBeer and chin wag with a few games and pissing around thrown in for good measure whilst making a few quid for the club rather than a fortune?   Thoughts??????????????Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down                                                                                                                                                                             
darkcarnival's Profile

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I totally agree John. Not that i'm a seasoned rally goer, but from the little experience i have, its a very expensive hobby. I've already cancelled 3 rallies this year and its hardly got going yet. I have to say though, i prefer the smaller rallies. The likes of the Bulldog, Farmyard etc just dont interest me. I prefer it when you can meet new people and make new friends than being absorbed into the masses at the huge events. I imagine the Bulldog etc to be more like Glastonbury/Leeds festival, only really enjoyable if you go with a load of mates. Even well attended rallies of BM members end up being splintered into small groups. You just cant take enough beer on bikes to split it round 10 or more people lol. I'm finding i've got to pick my rallies very carefully. One so's i can afford it, and two those where i know i'm gonna have a good time. If i can i try at least one new one each year. Hopefully in a few years i'll have a list that i can turn up at on my own if necessary and meet people i'll know i can have a good time with Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
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Johnny,,,, I tend to agree about some prices on food but as i work in the beer industry i think alcohol prices are fairly average to bar prices.... I tend to take my own beer/spirits etc and the last few rallies ive done ive actually taken all my food as well,,,,i find it a reasonable priced wkend considering the entertainment thats provided!!!! £15-£30 for 2 nights camping inc entertainment with great people!! The only down side with taking drink and food is your bike will be packed to the limit!!!!but worth it craig....                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Unfortunately you're just describing capitalism at work. Thumbs DownIf you don't want to pay the prices, then don't go to those rallies. If the food is too expensive, take your own. The same with booze. While people continue to go, and to pay the OTT prices, what incentive do they have to reduce them?

rockchick123's Profile

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The only alternative is to start your own rally ... and who needs the hassle!

The cost of camp etc is usually so resonable that it almost makes up for the over-priced, over-charged food and drink.

I used to buy all at rallies, now, take my own food and drink ... still a cheap weekend, but with great peeps and great entertainment ... erm, usually Big smile
Deleted Member's Profile
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yeah its good if you look at it as a holiday price thing Craig but that isn't the concept of the rally in the first place it was all about getting the bikers together and showing new bikers the camaraderie of biking. There are a lot of good rallys don't get me wrong but some are sliding away from the reality and pricing bikers out of it. I travel great distances to go to rallys, I think 800 miles round trip is the furthest so far, and all in one go like a muppet, ok on the way there but not so good after aweekend on it and little sleep with the chainsaw snorers lol.  I just feel the food prices (come on £4 for a cardboard burger and a slice if cheese on a dry bun is not cord on bleu so if you don't take your own and add to that bar prices ( I am thirsty sort lol)and it is at some rallys a wallet sucker   ( I have worked in the bars and know what there is a good profit per barrel there) Even if its cases of tins get it from supplier sale or return its not much for a case then selling each tin for £2.50 £3 its a healthy profit..... add to that some rallys charrge upto £1000 for food vans pitches and with 4 or 5 vans there as well as the traders, its a healthy business                                                                                                                                                                              
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I think I need to go to tesco's after i pitch the tent but I'm usually so knackered after the ride that the thought of swinging a leg over the bike is just ewwww sore arse...lolLOL   I suppose its like everything else once a profit can be seen it always heads that way...me just being nostalgic I think...                                                                                                                                                                              
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Johnny,,,i dont disagree with you,,,,but think the only way to go is take your own,,,or trip out once there to stock up at local supermarket/off licence etc..... and yes,,,i think its not about bikers anymore but profit margins,,,as Steph mentioned in her post i think the smaller rally's are more about the biker community now than the large ones...,,,ones where you can mix with most people there and make friends along the way... Like you I travel long  distance to some rallie's but think i'll start to cut these out unless i'm meeting up with friends or new peeps etc... I am starting to think now that i would now give a rally a miss if a decent trip/wkend was  organized at same time!!! craig                                                                                                                                                                             
6ypsy's Profile

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I think you have it DC, little rallies are much more friendly and the MCCs are welcoming and will take you under their wing.   The food and beer is much more reasonable too, as the clubs are just covering overheads. The bigger rallies are very business like, and as bikers can't bring the kitchen sink, if you want to eat and drink you have no option but to pay for it.   I've not been rallying for long either, the first rally I ever went to was a 300ish limit, I went with a friend who could only do the Friday night. The Club were so welcoming and friendly that I stayed for the Saturday anyway, with no worries about being billy no mates, the only time I was alone was in the loo LOL. They still invite me along to their jaunts, any rallies they do are mostly littlies so you're always running into friendly faces.   I did the Farmyard last year, and will be doing it again this year just for the spectacle - that number of bikes on the entrance road is an awesome sight, but I wouldn't go on my own.   As for taking your own beer - why do you think I have a trailer Beer                                                                                                                                                                             
darkcarnival's Profile

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The food side of things isnt that much of an issue for me. If i'm drinking i generally forget to eat, so dont spend that much on food. But i do agree that paying 4 quid for a bacon butty doesnt inspire me to go to that rally again. And i do take my own booze, but i cant carry enough to last me the weekend lol Embarrassed                                                                                                                                                                             
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ha ha thats coz you got hollow legs Steph lol.....meet my mate Steph she drinks like a fish PMSL.......then the guns are out PMSL.....                                                                                                                                                                             
bluesbiker's Profile

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I think yer average bike club rallyies and the big biker parties  have there place. I certainly wouldn't call either the rock and blues or the bulldog bash a rally. with the bands being put on and sub-contracted caterers trying to claw back there overheads i'm not surprised it's expensive. There seems to be a demand from the public to provide more of the bigger rallies/parties Like MCN live for bikers and others that wouldn't usually go to MCC rallies.                                                                                                                                                                               
Bikeabill's Profile

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Just bought a new cooker to try and keep my cost down and yes think i'l have to start taklng drinks in                                                                                                                                                                             
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The only alternative is to start your own rally ... and who needs the hassle!

That's just what the friendly bikers on here did Alex and the result is the URE Welcome rally in sept, last year was the first year and there were people there who normally go to stormin saying just the same thing, and that it was nice to get a propper rally.

Prices at big events seem set across the board when there... All at most have a flat rate of 5 for 'meals' got to admit was nice at NABD to see reasonable prices £1.25 for Bacardi and coke, 4 cans for £6.00, cheapest that I have been too for beer in a while.
darkcarnival's Profile

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.......then the guns are out PMSL.....   I'm sure i don't know what you mean John! LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
Nutkin68's Profile

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Once your there, just organise two or three of you with large paneers/top box to, grab a tenner off who wants to put in, go do a beer/food run, come back,  - job done....... everyones happy and fed who put in..........  just don't forget the cooker!!!  These food peeps will soon realise  we are doing our own thing, and either lower prices or go where they know there are suckers...  Beerparty on                                                                                                                                                                             
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I did my first rally in 1978 ........ pub, field and bonfire, that's it

Remember the first one I went to with a wait for it .......... rock disco!!!

Those rallies that do their own beer seem to be pretty much ok price wise, but where there's a pub, they charge the same amount as they would for all the customers, despite the fact that at they are going to have lots and lots of custom, its up to the club concerned to try and negotiate a rate for the weekend.

I do think that it is more commercial, and this is where I make myself unpopular, clubs allow cars to come and charge extra money for it and in a lot of cases welcome cars for the revenue, its a bike rally!!!!! if you haven't got a bike or cant get there as pillion don't go!!

What does gets my goat is where clubs say that you cant bring your own drink, not that I have ever seen that enforced except at the bully. Food vans I've always found aren't too bad price wise, certainly never paid £4 for burger and never would.

If its a issue then tell the club running it what you think, if you don't say anything then nothing will happen.                                                                                                                                                                              
hellsgranny's Profile

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Went to the Bulldog Bash a couple of years ago with wine in ribena bottles and gin and tonic in lemonade bottles. Passed the search test and . . . . . happy days of cheap booze. Could afford to eat then. No good for the beer monsters but works for some. Don't need to visit the loo as much either which is always a bonus. LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
Nutkin68's Profile

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Like your thinking Hellsgranny......Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
hellsgranny's Profile

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Thanks Nutkin, it helps being the age I am too (never thought I'd say this) but I just smiled sweetly, acted slightly dippy, demanded to be body searched and they couldn't wait to get rid of me . . . .  ACE. They did check with my mates that I had enough medication for the weekend  tho. .. Very thoughtfull these Hells Angels. . .LOL                                                                                                                                                                             

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