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I am thinking about putting heated grips on my pan 1300 and was wondering if any peeps have purchased some recently???and are they easy to fit??
I was thinking of the oxford type, which are readily available from a lot of places....although I may still contact honda dealer for price??, depending on feedback from here...................
I've got some but not oxford ones. Easy to fit if you have some basic electical knowledge. and can follow instructions. I did't feel the ones i had were warm enough and i use unlined gloves. Gonna see what deal are to be had at the bike show. Make sure you wire them into your ignition cus if you forget to turn em off, you'll flatten your battery in no time.
Deleted Member
Cheers for that, will remember , when i get some, to wire into ignition............
The newer Oxford ones have a zero drain feature meaning they turn off when the battery voltage drops to 11.5 volts meaning they should never flatten your battery.
Geoff wired the CG's straight to the battery and we tested the feature and yes, they turned off and yes the bike still started - 3 times in fact.
However I did once experience a flat battery outside Stella's house and although I don't remember leaving the grips on (but I guess I woudn't or I'd have turned them off!) it can't really have been anything else. The bike had never failed to start before, nor since although it was a cold day and the bike had been stood outside for 2 or 3 hours.
Anyway, I digress...the feature does work but when it came to getting a pair on the CBR, I wanted them wiring so I couldn't forget to turn them off. Geoff has wired them via a relay to the side light, or something like that. They go off when the ignition is turned off, that's all I know!
He can explain more about the technical side although given the bulk of the Pan's fairing, it might not be as easy a job and might be worth having a dealer do them.
Speaking of dealers, if you have a good relationship with your local Honda dealer and have your bike serviced there, they may fit your grips for little or no charge. That's what Castle did for Geoff but with his bike only being half faired, they were much easier to fit. He opted for the Daytona grips but he doesn't think they are as good as my Oxfords.
Good luck Craig, they don't stop frozen fingers completely (esp the tips) but they make a huge difference.
Deleted Member
Thanks Rachel,, I was going to ask geoff what he had on his, but most people keep going on about the oxford grips been better than for the wiring in, might see what dealer has to offer.........
Think stella must have put curse on your bike outside hers, as she didnt want the only bike that does not start

plus you had no probs untill you got to hers...........
Cheers for info Rachel............................craig
I think this is the sort of thing your on about
Yep, that's the things Blues. Haven't seen them fitted to many sports bikes though!
wouldnt heated gloves be better ? u can keep em then wen u swap your bike
Why not try the wrap round grips. I find them very good. They only take a few mins to fit. Mine were supposed to connect to the battery so they are live all the the time. To save any problems of flat battery if I left them on accidentaly I put a relay in so they only come on with the ignition. I suppose the alternative would be to connect them to an ignition circuit.Either way I would recomend them.
Deleted Member
Have thought about these tim, yet again oxford do a set and retail approx £35-£40, which is little difference to thier heated grips!!, to me the only advantage is if you have more than one bike or are planning a bike change soon!! but I have not ruled them out as yet!!,
Hopefully with have something by this time next weekend and fitted......or its the tin can!!
Heated gloves are fine so long as you find them comfortable to wear. i have to go through a lot of gloves to find a pair i like. even less choice is they have to be heated. I tend to wear unlined if i can for the feel. don't like bulky gloves.

wrap rounds are good but again make the grips a lot bigger and for me wouldn't be comfortable.
Deleted Member
WN,,got to agree with blues on the heated gloves, great idea if you can get standard size glove that is comfortable which I cant!!!I prefer summer type gloves but do have winter ones which i used yesterday but I'm not that keen on....
My way of thinking at moment is for the heated grips and if I can get the muffs as well, especially for the end of year camp where i'll be doing 600 miles, otherwise its the car till nxt year!!
Hi, my grips are the Oxford ones and cost me about £36 don't get the cheaper ones there no good. Mine have three settings so you can adjust if they get to hot. I could'nt do without them. The only problem is the battery needs to be charged, so sometimes they won't come on until I have ridden the bike for a few miles. Apart from that there good. ( I cheated and had someone else fit them).
Deleted Member
Cheers LINDAJ, do they have a dial for the heat settings or are they the L. E. D. type??................craig
I've got original heated one's on both me ST's, but just ordered some wrap arounds for the pillion grab rails. The STX is on SORN now so the the little 1100 will have em fitted for those chilly rides. Just watch, it'll be more like ambre solair weather, rather than snow flakes this winter!!
i am also thinking of gettin some heated grips or summat for me virago, I have just oredered some guards as well to keep some of the wind off me hands. I really feeel the cold what ever i wear on me hands. I will be looking when I go to the bike show in dec, but would have to get some1 else to fit them for me as well.
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I think we are going to have a very cold winter this year?and early nxt year Paj so I'm hoping these grips and/or muffs will solve my seized finger problems, or as put before by someone who shall remain nameless, this old age problem of cold fingers.....
Need to ring honda dealers up in morn and enquire about the £99 service and will see if theres a deal to be done with them fitting grips as well, nothing to lose!!
I have been told tho that the oxford are better than honda heated grips?? , but there are a few models out now.......
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I think a lot of people who ride throughout winter will be thinking of heated grips, just wish i'd have done this last year....
cw i've posted on a different thread but i've got the same problem as you and i'm not sure heating the inside of your hand will have much benefit seeing as you lose most heat from the back of your hand! Might be worth asking a few peeps before parting with your dosh
can u still get those MZ type over mitts they looked bloody awfull but there were really good!