i joined 2 months ago and havent found it clicky at all - but then ive got skin like a rhino so i wouldnt notice anyway lol. i go in chat a fair bit and ive chatted to loads of good people and met quite a few at meets etc. i suppose there have been a few who have chatted then stopped but i dont really notice or care. if someone dont wanna talk to me im fine with that, dont need a thanks but no thanks or anything else. ultimately it comes down to what you want from bm. id stick around a while and i think u will change your oppinion of the site
Don't take it personally mate. Such is life!! Just do your own thing and get out of it what YOU want to. I am.
Hi there LHH.
I can imagine it's hard for a new person when they join the forums as they are only frequented by a small percentage of the membership and because of meets, many have met each other and formed real life friendships but I've never known anyone not made to feel welcome but you do have to join in and not sit on the sidelines.
As for people blocking you or not answering you...dunno but you're right, a polite thanks but no thanks is all that is needed.
Stick around and keep posting and you'll soon see the benefit of being a forum regular.
i dont find it clicky either,the karma thing is is just a bit of fun ,i managed to get to the no 1 spot for about a day,it didnt increase my nods at all.get it to the chat room in the eve about 9ish it starts to get peeps in about then,as for peeps not responding to your chat,sometimes it slows down a fair bit,sometimes peeps come into chat and dont log out when leaving so you think the're still there,
Brummie Jackie
I'm fairly new to the site and can see what at first you may feel it is a wee bit clicky, bear in mind that some folk have chatted to each other for a while and have met in person, really dont think there is any malice involved, jump in with your boots on, i did, and have made some real good friends from it as well. As already said come into chatroom and join in the wierd and wonderful discussions lol if i see you in there i'll grab you for dance :)
Deleted Member
hi buddy,dont let the karma thing put you off, its just based on your activity, i have only been on here for 6 months, i was quite sceptical at first.......but i have found some proper genuine friends...( some whos turn it is to buy the fish and chips - roachy ( me and geoff are waiting ), but stick with it, its not clicky as roachy says, just the fact people have got to know each other, get ya self in chat later and we will welcome you with open arms, or a open mouse.
Welcome to BM LHH. There is quite an eclectic mix of people and personalities on BM. Some members are a little over eager with the block button. I do know of a few members who if they PM someone and don't get a response immediately they block them. the Karma meter, ignore it. Again some people are obsessed by having 100% Karma so post as often as they can often just a lol or a smiley. As mentioned before the "clicky" perception is usually due to long running friendships and in jokes. You get this in all walks of life. if you join a new company you have the same issue. As BJ said jump in and post some drivel and you will soon fit in. If you get the chance go to a meet or even suggest one on the events page. I met Dunans and BJ for the first time on a meet in southport. I can verify that Dunans has skin like a rhino after he went for a slide. with only gravel rash to show for it. and BJ traveled up from Birmingham to attend yet limeninja9 lives in the same postcode and we have never met in person although we have probably ridden past each other a few times lol.
Brummie Jackie
Not sure if thats a compliment or not PP but cheers anyway lol
PS You still owe me a pilly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wan't saying you posted drivel BJ. just re-read the post. Context fairy has got the bank holiday weekend off. I think she is taking a caravan down past Cissy's way lol.
Brummie Jackie
No offence taken was just playing :)
And may i say how stunning you look this fine day
I joined a couple of months ago and in real life I hate being the centre of attention so found it really difficult to step onto the forum 'stage' and have my word but you'll find if you read the forums regularly you'll come across topics that you're genuinely interested in and if you respond to someones post they'll respond back at some point and before you know it you're having a conversation! Like this one you're having with this lot now

Roachy is dead right in saying the forums are only a tiny part of the site and the same people post regularly so forming a 'group' of chatters. Initially I treat it like a dating site but realised the best way to make new friends is to get involved and talk to peeps. I posted my first event after only a week and had a great weekend (my first camping trip on a bike) and met a couple of smashing people so get stuck in, keep posting and before you know it you'll be part of it all and enjoying the 'social' networking side of things. I've had loads of convos through PM's with some very nice people that turned to nothing but that's just the same in real life, don't take it personally! As for the people that have blocked or ignored you, you might get the chance to poke them in the eye when you cross paths at one of the gatherings

You've already taken a big step by posting a new thread so carry on and people will recognise you either on the forum threads or in the chatroom and give you a warm welcome mate.
Welcome to BM and limeninja hit the nail on the head by saying get out of it what YOU want! I've no idea how the Karma thing works but I don't think it makes any difference whatsoever on how people view you personally!!
Welcome to the site LHH
Sorry you feel a little like a fish out of water . I hope that we can put your mind at rest that we are a friendly bunch.
I was with another biker site before this and find that this site to be the best, most active annd friendliest one.
I am not sure how the block button works but I know in the past that people hve had P.M's or nods and when they have gone to look at whom they are the profile is not there. I think they can be deactivated for some reason. There is a help section on the home page which you might find useful. if not PM Matt the owner he is so approachable and ask him for his opinion.
Hope to catch you soon in the chatroom of at a meet.
lin x
old red
Ditto everyone else LHH, as for the karma thingy like PP said some post nowt of cosequence just to keep karma high,don,t let it bother you(been on here 12 months 10%! so what) I get what I want from the site,

...perhaps folk are having trouble with the Welsh accent
I'm a newbie too but so far I've been made to feel really welcome, both at the couple of meets I've been too and in the few PM's I've sent and received.
Deleted Member
i disagree totally old red, some folk dont post at all and get high karma, as they pm alot and attend events, its not about just posting, i am sure people dont just post to get higher karma.....what diff does it make what ya karma is....mine has been 15% its been 100 %...i dont care, to be honest i wish it would get scrapped.......i just enjoy the social side of the site with some cracking meets coming up too !!!
LHH you're a newbie no more , you've broken the ice all you need do now is join in and enjoy ..it,s always great to hear others views share jokes and sometimes just take the p..s ! welcome
Deleted Member
I know what you mean mate, it can feel a bit clicky in here but i think its down to folks just knowing each other longer and meeting up. I don't know how this blocked thing works or the Karma, but I don't actually thinks that it makes a difference to anything. Best thing is to get into the chat room and have a good old yapp!!I love it in there and you meet a lot of regulars so its a good way to meet new folk.
Cliquey? ........
As a relative 'newcomer' who has been bitten once or twice (lol)... I have to agree with the majority and say that once you get chatting etc, you get to know some real good people. . . the karma thing, never understood it meself and don't give a damn... but then I don't give a damn about much right now lol....
Jump in, get chatting is my best advise... people will eventually get to 'know' you and your style of writing... (or not in my case lol)
Woman after my own heart cissy...
It's cliquey not clickey...
when are you buggers gonna learn to spell. It's not hard, if you don't know how to spell a word just go to dictionary .com and type it in...
rants, moans, mumbles and groans about lowered standards, crawls off to the 1950.'s, never would have been allowed in my day, etc, etc, etc - see The Daily Mail for an overview.