Despite never having had children myself (and frankly, not liking most of 'em a whole lot!

), I've always been a big supporter of children at bike shows/events... It's an opportunity for the whole family to enjoy the biking world and to spend time together, rather than hubby wandering off for the weekend and wifey sat at home looking after the offspring.
Keep them under control FFS!
Don't get tanked up and proceed to wobble around the main stage area, with a small child perched on your shoulders. It'll all end in tears or worse. Come 9pm, they shouldn't be around anyway IMO.
Don't get tanked up and go back to your tent for a kip in the middle of the afternoon, leaving your 6 year old to wander around alone!
Don't let them wander around riding bicycles and scooters alone - ESPECIALLY on a Sunday morning when everyone's trying to leave the site.
YOU made the choice to have children - YOU take responsibility for them. I'm sure you'll be the first to wail over how dreadful it is when your kid gets injured, but if you act irresponsibly in such ways, it will be YOUR fault.
/rant mode off