Profile photos - the new rules!

92 Posts | Latest reply on 27/01/2010 11:56:13 by Brummie Jackie | Go to original / last post
Matt's Profile

In: Veldhoven
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Please can everyone be aware that we're cracking down on profile photos and I personally will be going through old photos on the site for security reasons. Here are the new rules to note (which will be added to the rules page)... Your "Best/Default Pic" must be clearly of yourself, without helmet and not in the middle of 50 other people either.  It should be a recent portrait photo of yourself, or as near to this as possible. Miscellaneous photos such as bikes, cars, kitchens, fish, sheep(!), etc can be uploaded in addition to your Best Pic.  We have no problem with you uploading jokes which add humour to the site... but you main pic has to be of yourself. Photos solely of other people will be removed from your profile unless we can confirm who it is and that you have permission to upload the picture. You wouldn't want people putting your worst picture on THEIR profile would you? Photos of children are explicitly not allowed!  One exception: photos of yourself with your own children.  You must have at least one other photo which clearly identifies you. Weapons/Guns being held by a person will not be allowed in profile photos.  Neither will photos representing gangs or other threatening behaviour be allowed.  Loose articles are fine. 'Suggestive' photos will not be allowed.  It goes without saying that 'nude' pics aren't allowed, but neither are those that are too suggestive and of an adult nature.  It's at a moderator's descretion whether to allow your photo or not. Photos that are so small and pixelated that it's impossible to make out any details will be removed.  These photos frustrate other members (who think that the site is at fault and end up reporting the photo to us). Photos including personal contact information put you at risk, and so will be removed.  The 2nd time you upload a photo with your contact details in, you will be banned from the site (Permantently & without exception, subscribed member or not). Number plates of vehicles should be removed, but we do not enforce this.  You put yourself at risk if you include your number plate in photos, from those who copy plates to those who want to find you.  You should edit your photo(s) before uploading. We reserve the right to amend these rules at any time or to remove any photo without reason pending investigation.  Every decision is up to the individual moderator checking your profile.  Where a moderator wants a 2nd opinion, your profile will be added to a "holding area" until a Senior Moderator makes a decision.  Any questions should be directed to the moderators via the contact page.                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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  Matt, would you add a link to this from the newsletter please?   Cheers                                                                                                                                                                               
Matt's Profile

In: Veldhoven
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indeed  Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
darkcarnival's Profile

In: Blackburn
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Can you remove the 'tell you later' option as well? That really irritates me Angry                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Trouble is, folk are inherently lazy... if you make them fill in too many details before they can get cracking on a site, they'll just drift off, so the "tell you later" option at least gets bodies on board.

I just tell them off for being lazy & say I won't talk to them unless they fill it in properly Wink

You can still see my eyes on my pic and nobody else would be willing to look so daft, so it's obviously me  - do I have to change it? LOL
Deleted Member's Profile
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ah but is that really you wanna's lmao                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Nope - it's my stupid and idiotic twin sister. I'm the cool one Cool                                                                                                                                                                              
drobess's Profile

In: Bedworth
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Im glad that this has been noted cos its sooooooooo annoyin wen u click on sum1's profile n theres a pik of their bike or pet                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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hello to wanna,s sister, bring lou back lol                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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I can truthfully say Wannabee does actually look like that. Do these last few posts qualify for the quickest off the subject postings?                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Nah - I left it nearly 3 hours - that's WAY slow.

*hangs head in shame*
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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  I'm with D C on the 'tell you later' option, does my swede in when a whole profile is nothing but 'tell you later'! and when it's on the status it makes me think they're attached or going thro a really nasty divorce.   I see what you're saying (well I can't hear it) Wannabe about folk chomping at the bit to get started but maybe if the option was to 'leave blank for now' with a gentle reminder to fill some of it in later, would be better?                                                                                                                                                                               
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Yeah - that'd work - a gentle reminder is probably better than a Wannabe message saying "I don't talk to lazy folk who can't be 'arrisedto complete their profiles" LOL
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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  LOL I 'ad enuf trouble gettin' the buggers to stop sendin' me nods and then ignorin' me.   (I wish I could disable my NOD option or better still do away with it altogether)                                                                                                                                                                              
Deleted Member's Profile
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why not just send a pm and say hello ??                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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  why not just send a pm and say hello ??   When would ya like me to send it?   LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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whenever ya like lmao                                                                                                                                                                             
Newkid's Profile

In: Watford
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What if ya made the default say "I'm smelly and I pick my nose" instead of "Tell ya later", then theyve gota change it, LOL. Think ma fue gave me permission to post her pick, she said "Grr, woof, woof, woof, grr" think it translates right. Youll be OK WB, sheep are a special case, got a ! after em, look, LOL.                                                                                                                                                                             
Matt's Profile

In: Veldhoven
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Mods have been asked to disable profiles that are added/updated but do not include much info (Or just the basics filled in). Nods wont be disabled for individuals as this will cause further confusion to folks.  Remember this is a bikers social site, not a microsoft fan-club site full of PC-geeks like me.  Things here have to be easy to follow and the least confusing as possible.  Trust me a website designer lol.   If anyone finds a profile that has any photo that doesn't comply with the rules, please email the Moderators group via the contact page.                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Ahem Matt,you blind buddyStern Smile                                                                                                                                                                             

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