Bridge Crossing

16 Posts | Latest reply on 17/03/2009 19:12:06 by geoffb2005 | Go to original / last post
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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Could any of you good people out there please tell me if it is a traffic offence to cross a bridge on a motorcycle when the roadside information boards say it is closed to high-sided vehicles, caravans and motorcycles?   (To be more specific, the Forth Road Bridge)   I took notice of the signs and diverted to the more sheltered Kincardine Bridge (a 25 mile diversion but the wiser option imo) but am wondering what would have happened if I carried on over the Forth Road Bridge.                                                                                                                                                                             
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The SAS SWAT team would of descended on you and scooped you up in a net ready to be transported over the Nevada desert where you would of been detained under the 'Unlawful Crossing Of Bridges 'Act   Stern Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
tamaz's Profile

In: Airdrie ATM anyw
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no idea TC, did you enjoy the MCN show(assuming you were there).                                                                                                                                                                              
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U would have been blown over the side into the river.                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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Ok - I actually predicted XK's answer almost word for word LOL but I am totally shocked by HG's!! I had no idea... Shocked   I sort of enjoyed the show, tamaz, but always leave slightly dissapointed. I think the layout lets the show down a little... everything is sort of squished in and you can't really get to where you want to be. Did you get/will you be going to the show too?                                                                                                                                                                               
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 ......................................                             'squished'       ?
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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fastjock's Profile

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I had the same roadside info when I got to the Forth Road Bridge last October on my way back from Dunbeath , I just kept on going , was going too fast to divert from outside lane , nothing came of it , no police chase , no photo in the post . Can't comment on the legality , guess we'll just have to go back to basics and read the highway code.
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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Just been looking at some articles in relation to the Forth Road Bridge and the restrictions during high wind and it appears that they are looking at prosecuting drivers who ignore the warnings in future i.e. no current plans in place.   I must admit I did think of crossing the bridge anyway but a couple of REALLY strong gusts changed my mind in time to take the alternative route.   Having just spoken to someone who drove back over the bridge following two motorbikes today I am glad I did. He said one of the guys got blown sideways as he passed one of the towers and actually tried to put his foot down at 50mph!!                                                                                                                                                                             
old red's Profile
old red

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You would have probably got *squished*under a truck-the driver of which having also ignoring the warning signs of high or gusting winds-being blown over & landing on you,also you would have invalidated your insurance had you needed to make a claim!!(those road signs are instruction not advice)Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
old red's Profile
old red

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OR you may have been scooped up with a net & transported over the Nevada desert where you would have faced trumped up charges of crossing windy bridges(fortunately it was too windy for the helicopter to take off!!)WinkharleyThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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Am I the only one not to know about this scoopy-up Nevada desert thing???? Shocked   Cheers old red - did wonder about that too.   Apparently they usually employ police to enforce the restrictions to prevent drivers ignoring the NADICS boards.   I will look tomorrow to see if they are information or instructions and how they can be legally applied... (or ask some of the police riders at the show!) Nite all.                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Done it myself a couple of times TeeCee,and altho pretty scary don't think it was illegal.                                                                                                                                                                             
geoffb2005's Profile

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Depends what order is being used to close the bridge.   If it's closed under the Highways Act (Section 116) then it is a legal highway order and to ignore it could leave you faced with three points and a £60 fine for "failure to comply".   However, if it's closed under the Town and Country Planning Act (Section 247) then it is technically advisory and you can't be prosecuted for actually crossing the closure point.  Saying this, if something were to happen and you caused an accident, you could still be prosecuted for dangerous driving if the Police could prove that you purposefully ignored the signs.   You won't know what act is used unless you contact the highways department, who can tell you.   Mind you, this is the case in England.  Scotland often do things differently regarding legal highway orders.                                                                                                                                                                             
Roachy's Profile

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Saying this, if something were to happen and you caused an accident, you could still be prosecuted for dangerous driving if the Police could prove that you purposefully ignored the signs.   I hear and understand what you're saying but if you *caused* an accident wouldn't you be liable to be prosecuted anyway depending on the severity of the accident etc.                                                                                                                                                                              
geoffb2005's Profile

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Yeah, but I meant if you simply lost control due to high winds rather than driving "dangerously".                                                                                                                                                                             

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