Got emails from Downing Street with the reponse/findings from the Government;
Petition to have all man-hole covers painted in non-slip paint.
Local highway authorities have a duty, under section 41 of the Highways Act 1980, to maintain the highways network in their area. It is for individual authorities to assess which parts of its network are in need of repair and what standards should be applied based upon their local knowledge. Central government has no powers to override local decisions in these matters. Under section 81 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991, those undertaking street works (including utility companies) are obliged to maintain their apparatus to the reasonable satisfaction of the street authority with regard to the safety and convenience of persons using the street. Street works must remedy defective apparatus, such as missing or mis-aligned covers; if necessary, the authority can require those undertaking street works to replace defective apparatus if it represents a danger to road users. If those undertaking street works fail to remedy the defect, then the authority may do so. It is for each of those undertaking the work to decide how to ensure its apparatus is satisfactorily maintained.
Petition to force bux & HGV operators to fit spill-free diesel caps on their vehicles.
No news yet!
Petition to have Westminster Council put an end to charges for bikes to pay parking fees.
No news yet!
Petition to have the PM ban all wire barriers on Public roads.
The Government remains committed to the principle of providing Safe Roads, Reliable Journeys and Informed Travellers.
The Highways Agency continues to monitor the performance of all systems used on its network (motorways and major A roads in England). We are aware that motorcyclists have concerns. We monitor incidents and co-operate closely with industry experts worldwide, but have no evidence that wire rope safety fencing (WRSF) provides more of a hazard to motorcyclists than other steel post and rail fencing systems. This view has been confirmed by the latest two independent reports, the first by the Federation of European Motorcyclist’s Association report into Motorcyclists and Crash Barriers and the latest, published in December 2009, Eurorap, Barriers to Change: designing safer roads for motorcyclists.
Wire rope safety fence has been specified for use on the UK road network since the early 1960s. It is highly effective in areas that suffer greatly from snow where the open design prevents drifting and also as a central reserve barrier on trunk roads and relief roads (bypasses) with few roadside hazards to protect, where it is used is to help prevent collisions from vehicles crossing the central reserve and into the path of opposing traffic. In its latest form it conforms to the latest European Standards for Vehicle Restraint Systems EN1317-1998 and it is available as a product for use throughout Europe and the Rest of the World.
Will update on any others as soon as I get it.