Boxing Day...

16 Posts | Latest reply on 28/12/2008 16:39:12 by tangoman60 | Go to original / last post
Karey's Profile

In: Barnsley
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What are u all up to today?  Always feels a bit flat to me... Tis a gorgeous day here.. hope lots of you get out there for a good ride... keep it shiny side up!  I wish I could join u.. one day !!   Think I'll go wash mi car and hoover it ....deep joy  Stern Smile     lol...have a good day everyone! Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                              
Holmfirthgirl's Profile

In: Larkfield
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welll.....after the cooking fiasco of yesterday (only cooking for meself, but still managed to mess it up!!...well I was hungover & that's the excuse I'm sticking to!) I am now cooking all over again, got some mates coming over this afty/evening. However looking at how much food I've got it you'd think I was feeding the 5000!!!   Am planning on trying again with the bike on Sunday (however am feeling nervous now about it so christ knows how I'm gonna feel on Sunday!!!) Hope you all have fun whatever you're doing anyway Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
ghosthunter's Profile

In: Hinckley
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Tis a nice day here too until you venture outside!......ITS FECKEKING FREEZING! Nowhere near as mild as yesterday...I will be staying off the roads today!....cold gets in the few teeth i have left!                                                                                                                                                                              
Karey's Profile

In: Barnsley
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lol @ Ghosty !   Nice one Stella...have a good time!                                                                                                                                                                               
Wills's Profile

In: New Brighton
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Would be a marvellous day for a short bike run, but I gotta be out in the car today to North Wales. Shame!
Expect to see quite a few hardy bikers out and about though and I'll end up giving them a nod on autopilot though.
Managed to get the final exhaust nut off the Diversion this morning, the last chapter in a long saga. Now to get one of the studs out cos the thread's corroded past any attempts at salvage.
Bikerchick21's Profile

In: shrewsbury
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Was cold here but sun was out. Went for a walk with a mate and my dog, in the valleys down church stretton way. Was brill, but feeling the old leg muscles a little Think the hills have got steeper, or maybe just the after effects of too much food and booze                                                                                                                                                                             
ghosthunter's Profile

In: Hinckley
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Yep, I'm blaming the food and booze for everything I do in at least the next four days! Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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Hi All Yes, dry and sunny here too but fecking freezing too lol!!! However, was determined to get out with dogs first thing then bike ride no matter what - reckon this is about as good as the weather will ever be for this time of year so going for it!!! Ended up clocking up over a hundred miles despite not being able to feel my fingers and taking every opportunity to warm them up on the engine just to keep some feeling in them lol!!! (that's with thermal gloves too!)  Back home now, bike nicely tucked up as I will be soon - nice hot Boxing Day dinner and Xmas pud just a nice hot soak in bath and"   just awesome boxing day - on count down now to big family get together at New Year then that's it for another year!!! Soon comes but soon goes just the same!  Hope everyone else having a good time and the hangovers easing a bit lol! Take care Sandy x                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Been a good day, started with a good o fry up LOL then of out to a local meet at the Pied Bull (Farningham Kent) meet up with BM member (Kev from Keent) was a good day and very busy. Weathe was nice and dry but a little cold. Roll on the so called summer Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
geoffb2005's Profile

In: Leeds
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Had a really good couple of days.   Yesterday was without doubt one of the wierdest Christmas Days that I've ever had, but was actually really good.   We spent most of the day on two wheels.  The morning was spent riding on two bikes with me following (I get the best view from behind ahem!).   Then in the afternoon we took my bike for a fairly spirited ride over Woodhead Pass into Glossop and back over Snake Pass.  Made a point of keeping speeds "relatively" low over SP for fear of being caught travelling a long way over the now 50 limit.  However, despite this, Snake Pass is a superb road on Christmas Day!   Glossop incidentally was pretty much closed.  We did however meet Jesus who was quite drunk and wearing a very nice suit.  He did bless me though, which was nice!!   Then to top it all off, after getting home at around half five, we decided that cooking a Christmas dinner would be excessive and we were both very hungry - so my good lady had pizza, whilst I had a burger lol!  Not your normal Christmas Day food by any means, but nice all the same.   Today we spent the day at my parents, which again was very pleasant if it wasn't for the very embarrassing tales that my sodding Mother insisted on telling.  But hey, that's what Mothers are for!!   Edit; Just got a slap for the "best view" comment.  I enjoyed it lol!                                                                                                                                                                             
ghosthunter's Profile

In: Hinckley
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Have to agree with you there G...its deffo the best view!                                                                                                                                                                             
Nutkin68's Profile

In: Hull
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Not seen anyone or been anywhere today since the kids went to their dads this morning, bit of an anti-climax really.  No plans for tomorrow or sunday either, probably hibernate for the next two days lol !                                                                                                                                                                             
blakbird's Profile

In: bolton
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spent the last 2 days doing jobs around the house,listening to bikes going past,wishing i`d ordered my new brakelines sooner,should arrive next week and work should be quieter,so plenty of time to play :-)                                                                                                                                                                             
Blueboy955i's Profile

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We finally got to chill out after a manic couple of weeks.  Found out (about two weeks before Christmas) that my bathroom floor was rotten (due to water leaking) and only got the bath/loo etc fitted back in on the 23rd Wacko.  Still no tiles/flooring in, but still managed to get it back to basics so I could have the kids at home for Xmas morning.  You can imagine that today was put aside for chilling out (and nothing else).....Anyway, the best laid plans etc, I woke up this morning only to realise that we hadn't bought my nephew anything Shocked so a mad dash into town was called for.  After a bit of car-park rage and bustling with over-enthusiastic shoppers all out for bargains, we finally got some ideal pressies and went to meet the in-laws.  A brill lunch was had by all and this afternoon was spent replacing the loo seat that I broke this morning (fat butt syndrome lol). Has a fab evening chilling with Cassie and the kids though and looking forward to a bimble on the bikes tomorrow Thumbs Up.                                                                                                                                                                                 
Wannabe's Profile

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We did however meet Jesus who was quite drunk and wearing a very nice suit.  He did bless me though, which was nice!!   You met Jesus?! How cool is that? He used to do my windows y'know Big smile                                                                                                                                                                               
tangoman60's Profile

In: Weymouth
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got up an on the spur drove to the Festival hall Southbank an danced the afternoon away in the Clore ballroom bloody good fun!!got there wivout sat nav an all! traffic horrendous on the m3 m25 but not bad in the city[went by car oop's!]all afternoon only danced with one English lady!!!mostly Chinese asian,Russian,Polish South American!are we a disapearing race? oh an jesus was with me ! lousy dancer though!!

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