What made you smile in your past!

14 Posts | Latest reply on 10/06/2008 17:16:48 by Wannabe | Go to original / last post
Hull750Rider's Profile

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Holding my daughter and my son for the 1st time Big smile and when they could talk hearing those words that could make any grown up cry (why isn't my pocket money as much as my friends) lol only kidding   "daddy I love you" Cry                                                                                                                                                                             
Scary's Profile

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I think anyone with children would agree with you HR.  I also felt a huge relief and smile when the paramedics revived my daughter when she was 2, having her die in my arms was also the most frightening experience of my life.                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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Wow! HR, nothing in my life could compare to that... I will never have the privilege of those feelings so I can only imagine how strong they are. Scary - that is something no parent should ever have to face but I am glad fate took a u-turn.                                                                                                                                                                             
Hull750Rider's Profile

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Allways time TC, but this is a thred to see what you think is the thing made you smile the most in your past, could be the 1st time you got a full sized bike! Got your knee down on that difficult set of bends! You descoverd sorbet was not just a posh name for ice cream lol, that someone in the world loves you! Even the last time your pet ran up to you and gave you loads of loves.   Not a compatition Thumbs Up   (pleased you got through that Scary xx)                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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lol - sorry if I went off topic within three posts on your thread! Was just commenting on the awesomeness of parenthood. Wink   I'm a happy person so so many things make me smile (espesh going to bed with a coathanger in my mouth) but if I think of anything worth sharing I will throw up a post!                                                                                                                                                                             
adzzz's Profile

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thats the best feeling in the world  HR my girl texts me those words   evry now and then and it makes me cry shes ten and tells me to go faster on my bike when i have her lol                                                                                                                                                                             
Scary's Profile

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If you have a coathanger in your mouth I'm not suprised that you would throw up!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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Lol @ Scary! Perhaps 'throw up' was the wrong choice of words...   I know when I was happiest and actually laughed out loud (even though I was on my own...) - the Monday morning after the Friday I quit my job to start self-employment working from home and wouldn't have to do the 150 mile round trip to work every day!!                                                                                                                                                                               
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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I know what makes me smile every time I think about it! (and I almost choked on my coffee at the time...)   Last year, sitting outside a Cafe Nero on Tottenham Court Road and seeing a nun on the other side of the road trip on an uneven paving slab - I am SURE she swore under her breath!   (she only partially stumbled, didn't fall over - I am not THAT callous...)                                                                                                                                                                             
Hull750Rider's Profile

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So not a penguin then more a weeble (oppsy WELLLL not catholic so no harm dome eh!!!)  Evil Smile   (congrats on the job change mate hope it works out spectacularly well for you)                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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Ahhhh... Driving my family to Buckingham Palace to watch my sister receive her MBE...

& the bit that *really* made me grin was when we had to stop outside for the security check... there I was, decked out in all my finery, posh frock and wicked hat... and wearing a pair of the oldest grubbiest trainers you've ever seen in your life!

There was no way I was wrecking my brand new bright shiny red 4" stilettos by driving in the things! lol

I keep expecting to see the footage crop up on some Japanese website, given the number of tourists filming/photographing me! Hehehehe! I told the very nice police officer that I would hunt her down and kill her for making me get out of the car looking like that if it ever got on the web, but she just laughed...

Why does nobody ever take me seriously?! Hehehehe!
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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OMG - that was YOU Wannabe??? I saw that on Youtube last week.... (search for Palace+MBE+tramp)   Ooh - get you and your posh sister!! - at least one of you turned out ok! (just out of interest, what did she get it for?)   HR - thank you my friend! 5 years down the line and I am going strong. Can't believe I looked on ebay for Weebles though! I was always jealous of my friends Weeble jumbo jet...   note to Wannabe - telling a police officer you will hunt her down and kill her is never a good thing to do....   another note to Wannabe - 4" heels????                                                                                                                                                                              
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When I realised I was pregnant (both times). That rush of emotion can never be matched. Never felt anything like it before or since. Then there's every time I look at them.Every time I wipe a tear or cheer a success. Every hug,every kiss. I am a very lucky girl.
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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ROFL @ Palace+MBE+Tramp!

I tried... I really did try... y'know... the whole pastel floral bit... pretty floaty dresses and sensible shoes... but it just wasn't me, so I figured Buck House could handle a red & black bedecked Wannabe in 4" stilettos for once ;o)

Sis was nominated via work & backed up by the fact that she does a lottagoodworkfercharidee ;o)

She also volunteered at the drop-in counseling centres just after the July bombings, which is probably what really swung it, I think it was the first Birthday Honours list following them... & Mr Bliar wanted lots of younger people to get awards so as to act as good role models for the idle yoof! lol

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