I have done that many times, with drivers that get too close when i'm out horseriding. Had to advise a BM driver only today about his speed. He came past me doing 30mph at least, which considering we were in a housing estate, was just dangerous. I caught up with him a bit later on, whilst he was parked up and gave a piece of my mind. Good job my old boy is good in traffic. Also had a double decker bus pass me at speed today, causing us to jump onto the pavement. If i hadnt been so busy hanging on, he would have got a rollocking too. I know its slightly different, but i cant understand the mentality of some people. Where's the respect for others gone????
P.s A smack on the roof with the whip usually frightens the crap out of them too. You often see them stopped further up the road looking for hoofprints in their bodywork

Eta - Bikers are usually the most considerate, most slow right down, give us a very wide berth and go past without revving. Big up the bikers