Near miss in Wellesbourne

20 Posts | Latest reply on 29/01/2008 18:03:43 by Sandi | Go to original / last post
ghosthunter's Profile

In: Hinckley
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At about 6am this morning I was driving My Artic near to Wellesbourne airfield when two cars decided to overtake me. Not usually a problem, I hate holding people up as I'm limited to 56mph...........The big problem was THEY BOTH OVERTOOK INTO THE PATH OF AN ONCOMING BIKE!........I blasted my airhorn as the second guy went to overtake to give him some warning there was something approaching..............He chose to ignore it and the fact that the bike was in plain sight less than a 300 yards infront ( and rapidly closing in) did not seem to deter him.   The biker hugged the kerb and escaped a collision.  If you are that biker then well done mate for keeping a cool head.   I only wish I did.....there is now one Pug driver with a fecking great dent in his door from my boot.......I smashed his wing mirror too I was so incensed.   I don't condone my actions but that was far to close to comfort and It would have been me yet again comforting the victim if he had been hit and I'm getting sick of doing that through other peoples bad driving.                                                                                                                                                                             
lula's Profile

In: tamworth
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good on ya ghosty, some people are just tw*ts                                                                                                                                                                             
stueylewie's Profile

In: Bognor Regis
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Can't say I blame you at all GH - I'd like to think I'd have done the same   It's sickening just to hear the disregard some car drivers have for bikers and how they're always willing to gamble with other people's lives                                                                                                                                                                                 
bikerchick1966's Profile

In: Derby
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Good on you GH! You show em!  My ex had a nice habit of kicking car doors if drivers got too close!  or simply just stopping the bike and getting off often did the trick!  It must have been his rough biker image that did it!LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
darkcarnival's Profile

In: Blackburn
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I have done that many times, with drivers that get too close when i'm out horseriding. Had to advise a BM driver only today about his speed. He came past me doing 30mph at least, which considering we were in a housing estate, was just dangerous. I caught up with him a bit later on, whilst he was parked up and gave a piece of my mind. Good job my old boy is good in traffic. Also had a double decker bus pass me at speed today, causing us to jump onto the pavement. If i hadnt been so busy hanging on, he would have got a rollocking too. I know its slightly different, but i cant understand the mentality of some people. Where's the respect for others gone???? P.s A smack on the roof with the whip usually frightens the crap out of them too. You often see them stopped further up the road looking for hoofprints in their bodywork LOL   Eta - Bikers are usually the most considerate, most slow right down, give us a very wide berth and go past without revving. Big up the bikers Clap                                                                                                                                                                             
bikerchick1966's Profile

In: Derby
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Used to ride many years I really appreciate what it is like on the road even with the most well behaved companion!  I get really really angry when I see other motorists cut up riders down our lanes here.  I normally use my car to slow others down behind me who obviously still havent spotted the horse and its rider!  By the way I like the smack on the roof with whip!LOLThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
Oggy's Profile

In: Ely. Cambs
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DC,us bikers are the most considerate of horse ridersThumbs Up & most horses are ridden by young women in tight jodpors,wonder if theres any connection in that LOL   Good on ya GH btwThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
milly molly's Profile
milly molly

In: sheffield
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you did well GH  and kept ya wits about ya , I have this awful habit of shutting my eyes when i see impending doom . not a good idea really when ya travelling Confused                                                                                                                                                                             
darkcarnival's Profile

In: Blackburn
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Quote Oggy -most horses are ridden by young women in tight jodpors,wonder if theres any connection in that LOL   Maybe i should wear my jods on my bike?????? LOL   Sorry GH, hijacked yr thread. Good on ya btw, I hope the pug driver learns his lesson!                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

In: Wellingborough
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To be honest it seems to be the thing now to have no common curtesy when using the roads or pavements come to that! Everyone just seems to be racing to get to their destinations and don't like anyone else who crosses their paths! And if there's an accident it's not usually the person in the wrong who seems to come off worse! It's the poor sod minding his own business who cops for it, as in gh's case! The times I've been overtaken by bikes, I pull over to give them more room but you know damn fine the prat in front hasn't bothered to use mirrors and hasn't got a clue that the bike is coming past! Don't people use mirrors anymore?                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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glad you're ok GH must admit, I feel the same about other people's reckless and damn right dangerous driving - had a near miss myself just before Christmas too.  Driving home along busy ring road, I saw a car to my left (shoulder checks and lifesavers good in cars too - my how riding a bike improves your general awareness and driving no matter what you're in!!) big black Jaguar going really fast in A52 sliproad.  At last minute he decided he was going to come off it on to the A453 and not follow the road round on to the A52.  Tried to come onto the A453 much too fast and spun his car full circle to face the wrong way round in the fast lane!!  I of course saw the whole thing, despite my horror and disbelief kept my cool and had enough time to pull up despite swerving just short of his bonnet!!! No time to mess as cars travelling fast behind me so reversed enough to drive past him and leave him there!  My son later took that route home and said two cars had gone into him and all three were being towed off the road.  I reported the incident to the police - I was shaken and lost a bit of tread off my tyres due to skidding but was more angry at this guy's total lack of respect and care for other drivers safety, never mind his own.  He could have killed us all when all he really had to do if he overshot the turn off was to drive up to the next one and turn around!!!  The police took my details, said they would come and take a statement as I was a potential witness to his dangerous driving and guess what.............?  To this day I have heard nothing.................police, what police and why are we paying them???  Anyway, someone was watching over me that day, the more I think about it the more lucky I realise I was.  Take care out there everyone, remember, it may not be you but it definately is them others lmao!!! Sandy x                                                                                                                                                                             
iggypup's Profile

In: Wellington[near
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The phrase "being in the wrong place at the wrong time" gives me the shivers,I worry about twats in GTis taking an oncoming racing line,[also mad kamikazi sports bike riders can do this].Im not into violence but kicking a mirror off deffinitly gets the message home and hopefully it could save someone else-motocross style boots with steel toes are good for putting dents in things!Evil SmileThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
ghosthunter's Profile

In: Hinckley
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I'm not into violence either Iggy.....And I'll slap anyone that says otherwise!Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
iggypup's Profile

In: Wellington[near
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Hi GH ive put some dents in errant cars myself-the last one was a car that had parked so close to my bike I couldnt get it upright of the side stand! aaaahhhh count to ten? bo---cks to that -crunch have some of that!                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Im not into violence either - being a fairly petite woman and a lady too!!! However, I have to say, I could make some exceptions depending on the situation and the t..t involved lmao!!  There is a time and place for everything.................... Sandy x                                                                                                                                                                             
Wills's Profile

In: New Brighton
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I'm not into whiskey, but that doesn't stop me having a wee dram if the occasion demands it. Get my drift?                                                                                                                                                                             
ghosthunter's Profile

In: Hinckley
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depends if its with ice or without wills.....get my drift? lol                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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  Meanwhile in planet LOST Confused lol   whisky? ice?                                                                                                                                                                              
Wills's Profile

In: New Brighton
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Oh, go on then, if you insist. Gotta Macallan?                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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  *slap* LOL     I weren't asking ya if ya wanted a whisky or ice lol                                                                                                                                                                                  

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