New events calendar admins needed

12 Posts | Latest reply on 31/08/2019 14:52:17 by Matt | Go to original / last post
Matt's Profile

In: Veldhoven
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Hi guys
I'm looking for a new calendar admin. If you have a spare few minutes each day to check & approve new entries, and also scour the internet for events to add yourself, please let me know.

Of course there's a free full membership in it for anyone who offers to help.

An good standard of written English is a prerequisite.
Preferably only people who have been on the site for 6 months or more should apply.

Multiple admins is also fine but just one person would really help me out.

Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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Matt last time you asked there was only one volunteer, yours truly lol

Come on folks, it's not rocket science, if I can manage it anyone can.

I would volunteer again but I have so much aggro with my mobile phone breaking down every few months.
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As soon as I've been here 6 months I will gladly help out I love this site                                                                                                                                                                             
Double six's Profile
Double six

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Whoever is looking after the calendar should look for members mistakenly making multiple entries as attending single events. (clue: yorkie pud rally).                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

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Yes, and make sure the events venue addresses are accurate.
For example...
Squires cafe is not in Sherburn and not in North Yorkshire.
It's near Leeds which is West Yorkshire.


Quote: 66
Whoever is looking after the calendar should look for members mistakenly making multiple entries as attending single events. (clue: yorkie pud rally).
Sandi's Profile

In: Huddersfield, W
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Nice one, Kren.👍


Quote: Kren66
As soon as I've been here 6 months I will gladly help out I love this site
Matt's Profile

In: Veldhoven
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If you notice any mistakes, please let the mods know who can make corrections.

Kren, thanks so much. Everyone is welcome to add events - without being an admin. Maybe you wanna get a head start and show us what you can do? If all goes well then I'll gladly add you to the admin page.
Basically - scour the interwebworld for all the biker events all over the country, especially the big popular ones. If they're not already in the calendar then add them with as much info as possible. I just copy/paste their website "Info" and "FAQ" page usually. Most important is to get the address, website, email, telephone number etc right, where available. Correct CaPItAlizashon an sPalliNg is also crucial.

For info - it's the calendar that brings most new members to the site. So if you want fresh blood visiting BM then having an informative website and calendar is the key. The week before the Farmyard rally we had over 30,000 new visitors who were just searching google for Farmyard rally, because our event page was up at the top of the results :-D
Deleted Member's Profile
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I'm working 12 hour shifts this weekend but sure I'll scan the web see what I can come up with thanks guys                                                                                                                                                                             
JustRidier's Profile

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If you still looking for admin - I have time and resources to do it.                                                                                                                                                                             
Matt's Profile

In: Veldhoven
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Hi Kren/Cruize

Thanks a lot. I'll contact you both privately later this weekend.

Matt's Profile

In: Veldhoven
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Message sent Kren/Cruize

If anyone else wants to help please let me know. The more the merrier                                                                                                                                                                             
Matt's Profile

In: Veldhoven
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hi guys
Still need some event calendar admins.
Anyone got a few minutes per week to help out?

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