In the past 'Pillion' insurance or an additional premium to carry a pillion was never an issue or highlighted by underwriters. Today, however, (apologise now for preaching to the converted or perverted 😏) unless you request 'Pillion' cover it's not included and in many cases you won't get insurance with the pillion option, even on mid-range 650's. Anyone had any issues with pillion rider insurance cover?
Most Insurance companies now ask if you want pillion cover and charge you extra [in some cases a lot extra] for the privilege of carrying a pillion
Can pillions take out their own insurance?
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Not sure I really understand this insurance logic TBH, I had 2 road bikes on what was meant to be a multibike policy, went to insure a 3rd bike, and they said no only two, ended up SORNing my T120.
Come renewal time I decided to (Reluctantly.) convert my Thruxton for (What I see as occasional use.) passengers.
No extra charge, but they did say at the time of insurance my new 765 Street Triple was by far the higher risk compared with a single seat Thruxton.