Just a thought

34 Posts | Latest reply on 11/01/2008 06:00:22 by tangoman60 | Go to original / last post
Steve55's Profile

In: Heckmondwike
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Number of people on BM site Ages Girls Men 18 - 20 8 57 21 - 30 130 415 31 - 40 325 978 41 - 50 367 1304 51 - 60 85 403 61 - 70 1 56 Total 916 3213Make you think don't it? Not enough girls or too many men???                                                                                                                                                                             
bikerchick1966's Profile

In: Derby
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Ahh...but some might be lying about their ages Steve?!                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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I dont mind! lol In my age category its 3 men to 1 woman so Im not complaining. PMSL                                                                                                                                                                             
bikerchick1966's Profile

In: Derby
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Hey Banditgirl!  Steve must have been REALLY bored recently to have spent so much time compiling this for us here!  Poor Steve..got to agree with not complaining about the ratio!  Just a shame can't seem to get a decent fella!                                                                                                                                                                             
Steve55's Profile

In: Heckmondwike
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Steve must have been REALLY bored  Yes - keeps me off the streets Heh BC there must be one out of three thousand that suits lol                                                                                                                                                                             
Steve55's Profile

In: Heckmondwike
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PS MEN don't lie about their age LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
bikerchick1966's Profile

In: Derby
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Not tried the three thousand yet Steve!Wink   Men don't lie about their age!LOL   Glad to see you are back on the Forum...will stop you from being sad and compiling such data...bless you!  You need to talk to us all when it gets that bad!    Have you seen piccies from BP Xmas Lunch?  Just love you in that hat!  My goodness...its me on there too...from having no photo on the site - I am getting to appear all over the place now!LOL   You escaped from having Chavbot on the back of your bike!LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
Steve55's Profile

In: Heckmondwike
Posts: 124
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Seen the pics - is there any way I can delete them LOL - not good for my street cred - but the I am off the streets now - so it won't matter. lol                                                                                                                                                                             
bikerchick1966's Profile

In: Derby
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What were you doing on the streets then Steve?LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
Cruiser gal's Profile
Cruiser gal

In: Tamworth
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Steve sorry but you missed me out of your figures. 1 lady 76 yrs   Wasn't Chavbot on Ken's bike bc                                                                                                                                                                             
bikerchick1966's Profile

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Yes Dips                                                                                                                                                                              
bikerchick1966's Profile

In: Derby
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Yes Dips it was Chavbot on Ken's bike....LOL That is why I said Steve had had a lucky escape!  You know you can't trust Chavbot on the back of your bike!LOLYou simply don't know what he is doing or is likely to get up to on the back there!LOL                                                                                                                                                                                 
bikerchick1966's Profile

In: Derby
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Hey this system has a mind of its own again Dips... repeating itself again even when you havent clicked onto post message!  Either gremlins or attack of the aliens! LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
FlameRed's Profile

In: Darlington
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Well, its great to know there are so many men to choose from, but where on earth are they?? Problem is, some have put a profile on here and stopped there! Don't become "active" members, so all I can say is: Come on lads, and lasses for that matter, don't be shy, introduce yourself on the forums, have a laugh, join in the fun, and if you do want to meet people for friendship or romance, you're not going to do it keeping quiet!!! Have a look on the events board, there will be something going off thats not a million miles away, so get on your bike, or in the car, on the train, and meet some of us, we don't bite... very hard!  Wink                                                                                                                                                                             
lula's Profile

In: tamworth
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unless you want us to..... LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
FlameRed's Profile

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tangoman60's Profile

In: Weymouth
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so about 85 chances of coppin off unless some younger babe wants a sugar daddyCool!!most are bloody miles away oop north somewhere an probably cant speak english an yu have to arm wrestle every time yu want nooky!!which means yu dont get any!!anyone heard the song 'northern girls'?Wink                                                                                                                                                                              
bikerchick1966's Profile

In: Derby
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Cheeky devil TM60!                                                                                                                                                                               
FlameRed's Profile

In: Darlington
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You cheeky devil TM!! If we're arm wrestling you before nooky, it usually means "get off!" LOL Anyway, I'm sure you'll have your bus pass by now, so even if you're 60 or over, no point in moaning about having to travel... Wink                                                                                                                                                                               
tangoman60's Profile

In: Weymouth
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i met im on bikermatch an he's comin to see me on the bus!!!!                                                                                                                                                                             

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