A: yes
B: I'm the wrong side of the Pennines
Hi Catkins I am interested in the Crimbo "do" but do not have the "local contacts knowledge " that Alice did. If she has the time may I suggest Lindsay be asked if she has the time to help organise this ?
I've done nearly all the Crimbo events at Squires, but I'm at the wrong end of the M62 to start organising things. But I'll be there,and if there's owt I can help with from 70-odd miles away, I will.
Depending on dates I would be there for lunch but I'm unable to sort out the event due to the 112 miles from Brum
I would prefer NOT to organise it, as although I turn up to catch up with folk, I don't eat there. Every time I have done so, I've ended up not very well!
Sorry folks but it's not for me.
Deleted Member
Hey Linz
Just a thought
Do you know of anywhere else near to squires that could be an alternative venue?
Is there an update for this event?
Sadly I can't organise this myself but if someone else is willing to, at Squires, then I will attend/ show my support.
If you want to know anything about the organising side of the previous xmas lunches at Squires contact Alice2, she did us proud for several years. Thank you Alice x
Been told Bill may be interested if he can get some help on the day with stuff
I may be able to help