Sunday 17th August - Central Scotland ride out

19 Posts | Latest reply on 16/08/2014 00:10:50 by izzyhill | Go to original / last post
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Central Scotland Ride Out - details should appear in Events shortly.

I'm hoping the proposed route will give us a good, if fairly long day.

It incorporates some fantastic roads, and if the weather is kind, the photo opportunities should be great too.

Depending on numbers I may seek to sort people into groups to suite their desired speed etc.

You can fuel up at the start point. Next Fuel in Oban (120 miles) , Then Crieff (128 miles) , it's then only 40 miles back to McDonalds and the BP garage, so you may not need to fuel in Crieff depending on your bike's range.
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Event is up Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
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Hay Mike!, its in my diary, just need the time off booking !!!                                                                                                                                                                             
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Excellent Big smile

Depending on weather on the day, the route may change, and as MadSocts has mentioned, there's a camping trip planned for the Borders that same weekend, although there's nothing in Events yet - so depending on how interested folk are, I may alter the route entirely so that we can terrorise the Borders instead and meet up with folks Thumbs Up
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Sorry Mike !, can't get the time off grrrr, gonna try and do a trip up adhoc !!!. Friday to Sunday !!...                                                                                                                                                                             
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Sorry Mike !, can't get the time off grrrr, gonna try and do a trip up adhoc !!!. Friday to Sunday !!...
madscots's Profile

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That be a fab run fella Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                              
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I know you guys don't know me. but I don't bite haha. im gonna try n get Monday off work and make a 3day wkend off it, so I can pop in n see some mates on the Monday, wile im up there and get to ride the dalwinnie road on satday                                                                                                                                                                             
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Everyone welcome mate - we all had to go on our first BM run at some point Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                              
izzyhill's Profile

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Looks like a good day out Mike, checking that we'll be free to come along before adding to the event.                                                                                                                                                                             
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If i can sort childcare cover I shall pop along to this, will try bring a few and a pillion or two with us Thumbs Up

Not done much around Oban this year so be good for a scoot

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Added to the event, not sure I'll count on photo opportunities though. Friends at Ullapool this weekend had tents flattened last night and can't get away yet due to flooded roads Shocked

Many coffee stops requested if it's wet, pretty please?                                                                                                                                                                             
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hope you all have a brilliant day , im working but will be thinking of you all                                                                                                                                                                             
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My plans have rather collapsed around my ears for this one! Apart from the recent exploits of the weather potentially leaving us some issues that might influence the route, I'm now not able to make the run Cry

I've sent out a notification to 'all' - i.e. izzyhill and myself LOL
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the vtwin twin

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sorry  but I cant make it. the boss is a ---- il let you fill in the blanks haha. just like to say, enjoy the ride all that turn up                                                                                                                                                                             
madscots's Profile

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Hope all is ok Mike though whatever it is

weather looking rather nasty has to be said Thumbs Down
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thanks mate Thumbs Up

Aye, weather isnae looking braw at all Shocked
izzyhill's Profile

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Sorry you can't make this now Mike, hope all is well.

Danny and I are still up for a ride on Sunday.
MetOffice says it's a mixed day and there will be bright patches to be found - but that'll change as we get closer to Sunday.

Please leave the thread up and I'll post later what we're doing - I doubt it'll involve a 9am start!
Meanwhile, if anyone has any suggestions or requests please fire them in; favourite roads, learner-friendly route, top-notch cafes/ice cream parlours Wink, all comments welcome.
Ride safe.                                                                                                                                                                             
izzyhill's Profile

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Despite the beautiful weather today, calm before the storm stuff, there's severe weather warnings for strong winds over Sunday and Monday so I'll be taking the car to go look at kitchens. *sigh*

If anyone ventures out on Sunday, do take care xx                                                                                                                                                                             

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