....and it's Goodbye from him!

28 Posts | Latest reply on 03/12/2013 17:42:07 by bandit lover | Go to original / last post
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My year's sub ran out this morning so I paid for an extra week in order to properly wish my friends here a farewell. The year's membership was interesting and I met up with some smashing people.
The whole of the crew from the south east are great. Thanks to Andy and Sarah for their organisation of so many good days out and to all of the guys I met.
I hope you all find what you're looking for and keep on doing what you do. To xj, Dave, Chris, Bill, Brathu and David, ta for tolerating me!
Very special thanks to emzed.....a great guy and proper biker! I'll keep in touch, mate.

To all of the ladies I haven't remained in contact with, you know who you are, I say just this:
You have too many issues that need to be addressed to even think about getting involved in someone else's life.
Whether those issues are family commitments, health or whatever.
 I wish you no ill-will but for crissakes remember that us guys are people too, we get hurt and share the same disappointments as you do. We are not solely for your amusement, neither are we bottomless money-pits.
This year I have been stood up after having driven 20 miles and waited for a lady for two and a half hours.
She actually could have displayed some good manners by dragging her hang-over ridden torso out of bed and phoning me an hour before I was supposed to meet her rather than leaving it 'til very much later and sending me a PM with an apology.
I have been sworn at and assaulted. Why?
I politely refused to lend a lady, whom I'd met once previously, £5000 so she could 'buy a bike'. She was extremely lucky that I'm the sort of bloke that doesn't hit women back.
Apparently she believed that, as I was well off, (compared to her) I would happily give her five grand because I could easily afford to. That episode was very disturbing, she could so easily have used a knife.
Then there was the lady who couldn't understand why at 18 odd stone I wouldn't take her on the back of my BMW....try there wasn't room for me!!
Oh the wonderful and varied tapestry of life!   I'm far safer in my 'local'!
I'm 66 now and I don't need this kind of excitement in my life and yes, the next girl might be different.....or she may be worse.
Last night I received a PM from a lady here who I don't know, I searched and found her on FaceBook and left her a message to phone me.....and guess what?
Half an hour later my phone rang.......we had a long chat, we may even get to meet up but then again, well who knows?
I am as usual optimistic as the lady is intelligent, artistic, pragmatic and possesses an intellect, does not weigh in at 18 stones, has a good job and no baggage.
I may be about for the next week or I may not, don't know. If you want to grab my attention before I go then please fire off a PM and I'll get back to you asap.
Hope to see the south eastern folks at Wrotham on the 7th.

You all take good care, keep the rubber on the road and the shiny side up..........OJ out..................

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  OJ, I only spoke to you a few times in the chatroom but you were funny and interesting to talk to and always pleasant to me..... and that means a lot, so it was nice talking to you.   Hope your new lady becomes special to you and good luck Smile x                                                                                                                                                                             
Lindsay's Profile

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Whoo hoo way to go OJ!!

Best of luck on the 'outside'..seems you had an interesting time in a year on here, if not aways an enjoyable one!

I like your honesty matey, all good wishes. Lindsay x

Ps, ive seen a lovely monster dark, its small, neat and sexy ... If i ask nicely can you arrange for santa to put it in my stocking please??!

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Was always a pleasure Lulu, you artisans are cool people!
PB is also very very cool and clever.

Linz! Re: the Monster....the second word is OFF!!

Girls...I'm not leaving here because I have someone new in my life.
I don't.
It would be very nice but talking to someone for a few minutes on the phone really doesn't herald church bells and a king-size bed!
( Anyway I already have a king-size bed with a stereo system plus a memory foam mattress!)

Cruiser gal's Profile
Cruiser gal

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OJ I am sorry to read that your leaving and also of your horrible experiences while being on here, we are not all the same.
I think its awful to think that there are people like that out there, but I to have been caught out, so know what your saying. I actually gave the person money, which has left me £2,500 out of pocket.
I have enjoyed all our late night chats in the chatroom and have asked a couple of times if anyone had heard from you when I hadn't seen you in there.
Take care and hope you find what your looking for and that you are treated with love and respect. x
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**titter** !!                                                                                                                                                                             
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Dont worry Linz, i have a monster waiting for you ;-)                                                                                                                                                                             
rowanblossom's Profile

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OJ gonna miss you on here, but you do what is best for you. I still get bemused at how some people act and think its ok....may you find what you seek and have fun whilst getting there. Take care
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OJ, I was hoping to catch up with at a rally in the coming year. It has always been a laugh in chatroom when you were about, and you will be missed by many I am sure.
Take it easy mate, look out for loonies on the road and keep it between the white lines.
Catch you on the road one day maybe........66.
kaycat's Profile

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OJ good luck to you hugs xxx i hope to meet up with you at some point be nice to meet for real enjoyed  your company in the chat room on pm and in the forum 

hugs xxx k aycatHugBig smileWink                                                                                                                                                                             
SlowGoose's Profile

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Wish you well, ride safe  Thumbs Up

JP's Profile

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As said in hotel California you can check out any time like but you can never leave. Sorry mate you stuck with us, as for some bimbo asking for £5000 name and shame there are some on here who may fall foul of her conning ways . We don't need her or any con merchants on here
Lindsay's Profile

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@OJ, last night your quips n general banter in the chat room was just what this site needs... Pleeeeeease DON'T go! **on my knees again** ((wink))                                                                                                                                                                             
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JP....No point mate, she'd deny it and it would be her word against mine. There's no law against asking someone for money and setting about me when the answer was "No, I don't think so." is something I dealt with. Water under the bridge now.
She's no longer a member anyway....although she could be here with a different ID. Who knows?

Quote GBNP: "OJ, last night your quips n general banter in the chat room was just what this site needs... Pleeeeeease DON'T go! **on my knees again**

Quips and general banter?? Moi??  More like subtle crudity and innuendo! (Or should that be out-your-end-Ohh?) Glad you enjoyed it though!! On your knees? Maybe I could be persuaded....but you really shouldn't talk with your mouth full!! I mean, there could be an accident!!

The unnamed 'ladies' mentioned in my first post are thankfully outnumbered by the nice ones!
GBNP, Cruisergirl, BJ, Ravenstormm (a good friend), Lulu, Purplebetty, Izzyhill, teenybash, Kaycat, NGB and many more.

One thing though that Cruisergirl pointed out to me: There are guys out there who will also act quite despicably. I think its a risk that anyone who uses a site such as this has to be prepared for. Not everybody is nice because they're bikers!

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OJ just send the name to Matt then he can check if she has re-joined under a different name and then she can be watched by him and any other complaints can be backed up by yours. Stick around mate or we will send BJ down to sort you out                                                                                                                                                                              
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At the very least send the name to Matt, possibly saving somone else from a similar fate from the gold digging Bi***                                                                                                                                                                              
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Sorry to hear about your experiences , when i first came on the site i spotted an old biker friend and she warned me too about people carrying too much baggage . I replied to a nod i received from one lady and we have met a few times .I think that you should give her name to the team and let them decide whats best.

keep it shinney side up

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OK...That's three requests to 'name and shame'.
If the person in question has in fact created a new profile I am quite sure that she would be following this thread closely. So if she gets a ban or knows that the staff here are keeping an eye on her, she will also know who was responsible. She knows where I live and has some fairly nefarious friends and relations. If I was to give any further details about her, I have no doubt that it would become a police matter and I really don't want to go there. It might not bother you but I've got way too much to lose.
As I said she asked for money, she did not attempt to deceive me or steal from me. She was up front and honest. However she didn't like being refused and as a result she ended up in an armlock. That's all there was to it.
So the answer to your request is "No."

TAB007's Profile

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Sad that you feel you have to leave the site when you have made friends who want you to stay. Good luck with what you decide to do x                                                                                                                                                                              
Cruiser gal's Profile
Cruiser gal

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OJ, I can understand where your coming from on your last post on this thread, I spent 18 months too scared to tell a person I no longer wanted to be in contact with them because they knew where I lived, had even met my family (thankfully a friend showed me I could break this tie) he is a person on here  and he owes me two and half grand but like you say, if you start naming and shaming that said person will know,  they  probably are following this thread and sometimes its better to walk away and put things down to just a bad experience. 
Its just a big shame that your bad experiences are making you want to leave this site, yes I would love to meet that someone special to share the rest of my life with and did at first join this site expecting to do just that but now I have discovered that I have too many friends on here to leave just because of my bad experience and lose the good company of the chatroom and the genuinely lovely people that I have met up with from the site at various events. I still giggle about Stella's charity fund raiser night at the Wellington (think that was the name of the place)and how team onion was formed.
I would love to think that you would have a change of heart and stay, as it goes with out saying how many people enjoy your company and value  you on here. I know we have spent many a late night hour in the chatroom, often talking the most random stuff amongst us all but without that banter some would have not coped with what ever was going on in their lives.
Take care out there OJ what ever you decide to do. x                                                                                                                                                                              

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