Pissing myself @ JP's comment
'Great Idea but it could be a can of worms. IE joe bloggs upgrades sue smith's account cus he thinks he is on a promise then sue smith jumps into bed with fred dobbs and then you got joe bloggs bitching he wants his money back cus he didnt get his promise'
If you think that by upgrading someones membership is a sure thing to the route to the inside of a girls undies ha ha man, now you know where you have been going wrong all these years.....PMSL.....
I think its a good idea..... and if someone starts greeting they want their money back....FFS tuff..... a gift is given freely and should have no conditions and attachments....I for one would be glad to help a 'friend out if they were financially over burdened especially at this time of year
.....and I wouldn't even be worried if they knew who had done it...and certainly wouldn't have be doing it in the hope that there would be any strings attached....