Ahhhhhhh for sure you are a wickedly lush bunch of folk.. thank you for your comments and insider info and personal stories and wee little applauds.. makes me feel.. well.. almost normal!!
Have to admit.. not quite "cured" 'cos I laughed my backside off at this comment..
"before you know it you'll getting your Knee down.."
then something something about angles and think trajectories.. but would have to go back and read again to be sure but the "you are having a laugh!!" is bouncing round my head...
But likely will be coming back next year starting a thread saying "I got my knee down!! Omg.. remember when I couldn't even.. blah blah blah..."
Cheers loves.. know where to come when I need a smile and I love Blind Faith.. f.y.i. and just sorry I haven't been around to read all this lush stuff