visor laws??

14 Posts | Latest reply on 16/08/2012 00:18:10 by flying flea | Go to original / last post
flying flea's Profile
flying flea

In: southampton
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hi guys and gals, with the sun deciding to show its face now and then just wanted to know if many of you have had issues with the police over tinted visors.   been caught out a couple of times with sudden dark spells and rain. is it ok to ride with your visor open. or is it best to remove it?                                                                                                                                                                             
VFR800AJ's Profile

In: Sutton Coldfield
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I dont have a coloured visor, but i opened it at 40 mmph thorough a village on the way to Lake Vrnwy (or however you spell that) and a bee hit me right between the eyes, just like someone had slung a stone at i rarely rife with an open visor now. 
Simon66's Profile

In: Peterborough
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Best bet is to buy a helmet with a drop down tint so you can simply adjust according to the conditions without having to carry a second visor. I certainly wouldn't advise riding with the visor up. Get something in your eyes at speed and you may as well be riding blind. No law to say you can't ride with it up, just not a good idea.
Sweeny Todd's Profile
Sweeny Todd

In: Leicester
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If a visor is stamped daytime only then it means just that. All newer legal visors need to have the E.U. mark on them. It is not a legal requirement to wear a visor but if you do it needs to have E.U. on it, but sunglasses have no mark on and are still legal. Police can take your illegal visor and leave you without one. As mentioned helmets with the extra drop down tinted visor are ok as they have daytime use only on them, however could still get pulled over if using at night.                                                                                                                                                                             
centurion's Profile

In: Catterick Garris
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I personnaly never rid without at least sunglasses on, over the years I've been hit in the eyes way too many times by insects and other flying crap and not only does it bloody hurt but it can do permanent damage and as Simon said (that takes me back a good many years!) can  leave you suddenly riding blind. I wear an open face lid so keep a pair of clear goggles attached to it so I can quickly wip the shades off and pull down the goggles if need be.                                                                                                                                                                             
SPESH's Profile

In: Rugeley In The S
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Must be honest I've never been stopped for wearing a tinted visor. But I sometimes carry a clear one in a visor bag, easy to carry under your jacket. But when touring or away with the bike I've a helmet with a integral sun visor, invaluable as its takes seconds to flick into position.

Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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Just bought lid with integral sunvisor and its great,tint is just right,now I'm used to it only takes a second to flip either way,no problem with prescription glasses either. Had 'em for years for jet jockeys so good enough for me!                                                                                                                                                                             
Viking Tel's Profile
Viking Tel

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My Shoei has a Reactolite Fog insert, this is handy as when it gets dark the visor is clear! On local rides in very bright sunlight I wear other helmets with Dark visors, please note: they say daytime use only but are still illegal on UK roads, so if you have an accident...well you know the rest!   At Squires the other night I was shocked at how many riders went home with dark visors fitted and down!                                                                                                                                                                             
oldyeti's Profile

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as with Viking above, i have a reactolite "pinlock" on my shoei, wich is handy during changable conditions (it darkens as its sunny, then lightens in cloud/rain) but i find "usually" i need a tinted (dark) visor PLUS sunglasses, especially when abroad, as my eyes seem sensitive to light. but then i very rarely go out without a spare visor!                                                                                                                                                                             
OMNF's Profile

In: Worksop
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I have a Caberg with a drop down tint. Just be aware if you are thinking of one then try dropping the tint with your gloves on. I know it sounds stupid but my mate bought one where to drop it down it was just a small pin to twist on the side of his head and it wasn't possible to down with gloves on. Mines a simple slider on the top of head and i've had no problems.   Hope we are all of some assistance to you                                                                                                                                                                             
timhall's Profile

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I have a Caberg with a drop down tint aswell.I don't have a problem raising and lowering it with my gloves on. I like helmets with the drop down tints. Easily employed during sunlight and easily removed if it gets dark and if you are in town you can lift the outer, clear visor and the tinted one keeps all the nasties out of your face. Great idea.
S24_SDJ's Profile

In: Huddersfield
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Never been pulled for a mirrored visor. Its the exhaust they aren't too pleased with!!                                                                                                                                                                             
JP's Profile

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A word of warning on the drop down sun visor try it in the shop when you drop it down put both hands on the top of the helmet and pull down hard if the sun visor touchs your nose dont buy it try a different make or model if you have an off and hit your head you could lose your nose
flying flea's Profile
flying flea

In: southampton
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hi all thanks for the advice, well the problem seems to have found its own cure. my shelf decided to fall off the wall were it has been for 3 years. it had both my helmets on so now i am on the hunt for a new lid. will be def getting a helmet with a built it sun visor. went and tried some on today and i think the caberg mechanisum is by far the best.                                                                                                                                                                                 

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