A toast to good dads and a statement on faith

7 Posts | Latest reply on 24/06/2012 21:56:37 by Deleted User | Go to original / last post
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It's father's day and as my dad died last November I can't wish him the best on Facebook or engage him with daft anecdotes anymore. So I thought I'd post a brief question about faith. My parents were always super religious and when my eldest brother died at 19 in a car crash, it was the only thing that helped maintain their sanity (notwithstanding their remaining two boys).

Both myself and my brother took a dim view of religion as a result and ultimately became black, but still loved, sheep. With this in mind, I'm now mature enough to consider what faith might mean to me and I realise that in summary I could never become an atheist as I hold to the idea of seeing these dear people again. For that reason, I accept faith in any form, pagan to pygmy and could never adopt a faithless stance. I am not critical of atheism I envy the strength of those able to be so.

Dad's not here for the first father's day in my life and I never knew how much I would come to hope that I'll get another chance to see him and my brother. Apologies for the slightest mawkish post in an otherwise upbeat forum, a chat with my lovely mum got me in reflective mode! x
red_daytona's Profile

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 Good post mate. My brother died last November too, so this obviously is the first fathers day without him. I know that it especially hurt my dad today him not being there.  I hope wherever he is he is smiling and happy.                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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I really appreciate your response Daytona. It's a strange thing when a parent outlives their child and I've seen the impact on my mum and dad. I hope your family are rallying together to deal with such a massive event.                                                                                                                                                                             
Sandi's Profile

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  Yog, my condolances to you and your kin.   My dad died many years ago and I often think of the lovely things he did for me and for my son 'Shadz'. I still have the story tapes he made for Shadz when he was a toddler. He loved his grandad's made-up stories about dragons and naughty giants and when we lived abroad dad would send audio tapes out with new stories. Even I enjoyed them. Embarrassed   My most vivid memories of my dad are: when he used to repair his cars, he'd repair one then sell it and buy another old banger and start again, much to mum's annoyance lol. His forehead always being cut when he banged his head trying to get out from under the car and the smell of his dirty overalls.     My mum died in 2010 so if she's in the same place that dad is I bet his ears are hurting lol                                                                                                                                                                                   
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Thanks Sandi, the cut on the forehad anecdote really touched me.  My Dad always had cuts on his head from working on cars!                                                                                                                                                                              
Jonesy42's Profile

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As a working spiritualist medium, I find its a great comfort to know and believe that our loved ones never leave us in spirit and are waiting to meet up with us again someday
Deleted Member's Profile
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Hello yoghurt - I lost my dad almost 5 years and I still miss and love him every day. But now I can laugh and smile about our times together and remember him with a smile each day. He is always with me and helps me out when Ive lost my keys or phone for the tenth time that day!! I know it sounds a bit daft but thats just how it is!! I have no religious beliefs and certainly dont believe in god but I do think there is a life beyond this and I like aspects of other religions but not the doctrine of conventional faith.
On a lighter note I wish you well and hope that you manage to get out and about on your bike if it ever stops bloody raining! x                                                                                                                                                                             

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