Seconded Gypsy-anne,great meet,great company,great coffee,
Cheers Graham
Lc,Dragon,Tigz,both Steves,Monkeyhanger and those whos names escape me(sorry)was great to meet you all.Skins and Lula,nice to see you both looking so happy and fantastic to hear Jessicas doing so well
Lovely to see already familiar faces and catch up with some of you,DC twice we've met and never had a chance to chat,must remedy that next time.
Stella,sorry you missed out on Masham,was luverly!!!defo do it next time
Note to Bullet,clear visor,cosy jumper and summat to tie Stella down with on the return journey,lol.
Kwak,well done buddy,got the pics will try and post them.
Thanks again Graham and put me down for the next one.