Was glad to hear Jen got back ok after getting stuck in that traffic
Heard from Pete and when he didn't find us at the Dam he decided to go back to Southampton
Trouble with being out in the country is no signal for phones as Jen and Pete found out
As i said it was a fab day and we are so pleased that everyone had a good time
Thanks Jen for the veritable feast that you came armoured with there was enough for the 100 odd ducks as well
Got to say a massive thanks to my hero Joe as we couldn't have done any of it without hom
he was a brilliant leader and we didn't lose too many
Cavy sorry we lost you but think you had the best part of the day
and sorry for the lady in the racing leathers that tagged on with us at Matlock ......We didn't see where you went and hope ypur not put off and give us BMers another chance
......HB xx