Do you nod?

123 Posts | Latest reply on 31/08/2011 21:28:12 by davidneale | Go to original / last post
cruiser mic's Profile
cruiser mic

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one of the young lads on my forum, asked why he didn't get any nods back, I told him on bikes there are two distinct breeds of rider, the biker and the motorcyclist, and they are poles apart. Because a biker might not nod first, but he will nod back, by the fact you have levelled with him.
a twat on a Harley is still a twat, bloody right I don't nod at every bike I see. Screws ride bikes, the police ride bikes, neither are on my christmas card list .............................. if I do it, it is instinctively, the way I would in a pub or any social arena. Sorry, buying a bike just don't cut it, with getting pally with me.   No-one can testify to being a 100% nodder, if they do, they don't ride enough, try despatching in a city and nodding at every bike you see, you will end up in the morgue.                                                                                                                                                                             
earthwind's Profile

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I like to nod and be nodded at but sometimes if you passing a load of bikes its not normal to keep nodding. At meets you might nod at one or tow on th run in and run out but cant nod at everyone. If i am really happy i might give a wave like they do in scotland other times i just look or get on withn my riding. Yes dispatch i can fuly undertstand not nodding on here i nod if i like a bike or a profile same as on the road really. If i think they wont nod sometimes i make the effort to give a big nod just to p..... em off lol but thats the devil in me Evil Smile

Like noddy im too old to be bothered lol :)
dicko-exup's Profile

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hi,   im a nodder                                                                                                                                                                             
mikelebike's Profile

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LOL @ geoff & Handshake to earthwind's Evil Smile

altogether now... "I like nodding, I like nodding
    I like nodding & I like to nod"

... except to those I consider are doing a disservice to other  bikers ... they just get a shake of my head (but I do like geoff's idea Wink )

I reckon many learners don't nod cos no one's told them about it? Not sure what excuse career scooter-ists have tho' Question maybe their brains really are stuck in the 60's!

A wave of the hand best covers a group of "biker-ists" & a Thumbs Up for car drivers who make room (probably bikers anyway)

earthwind's Profile

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lol its all good fun especially when people dont nod and then nod at the last minute and as on the egg run its waving all the way                                                                                                                                                                              
marsey's Profile

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"And if that doesn't work then I'll simply hold them down and punch them repeatedly in the face until the screams of anguish turn into random bloody gargling and bubble blowing."

That is being a bit lenient Geoff Wink                                                                                                                                                                              
earthwind's Profile

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lol good grief                                                                                                                                                                               
andyl250's Profile

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always giv a fellow biker a nod and 99% of the time get 1 bak Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
potnoodles's Profile

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On another note How many people give the thumbs up when they see another biker on the side of the road?   I usually do cause you never know when some needs an assist.                                                                                                                                                                             
JP's Profile

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Well on the pilly ride today we passed 100s of bikes and I nodded or rased my hand to all but only about 10% returned                                                                                                                                                                              
Deleted Member's Profile
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well even a scooter is two wheels and i regularly ride in a tshirt and combat trousers   ITS MY CHOICE if you want to wear full leathers and look like a cumberland sosage thats your choice i do nod to all bikes   yes even quads   why not it dont hurt to                                                                                                                                                                               
loving it's Profile
loving it

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Yes Potnoodles....i give the thumbs up sign if a biker is by the side of the road.Thumbs Up 

Unfortunately though i recently  stopped and tried to help a fellow biker, a learner .....i couldn't really help him as he was having a  mechanical problem and as my knowledge in that field is non-existent !!! Got to say i felt like a bit of an idiot but it was my instinct to stop Embarrassed                                                                                                                                                                             
stretchmark's Profile

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I always nod, always have done cos i feel it's a mutual respect thing between fellow bikers.....not sure about the scooters, although if they do nod then i will cos i do know a few mates who use a scooter for to an from work instead of using the bikes.
Deleted Member's Profile
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scooter   well i have been seen riding a honda c 90   it was for a whole year toooooo                                                                                                                                                                                
Brummie Jackie's Profile
Brummie Jackie

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ahhhhhh yessss (said in a Churchill styleee voice)                                                                                                                                                                              
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i regularly ride in a tshirt and combat trousers   ITS MY CHOICE   Fair enuff - but only if u hav private medical insurance, to cover your extra injuries.                                                                                                                                                                             
fxr swas's Profile
fxr swas

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Nod or hand up...well... apart from those wee men on scooter things,although proper scooter riders are usually ok,dont get one back all the time tho its a bit crap really, Aint what it used to be thats for sure.
Doesnt matter what you ride as long as your happy with it, take your time with whatever you run, nowt like experience to carry you on.                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Thumbs Up I always nod, it varies depending on my speed or concentration, from a slight dip to a full head wag!!!!!!! I find get a buzz from being nodded at, makes me feel part of the biking community and yes I am also one of those who finds themself nodding when in the car!!!!! doh!!!! Smile I also will stop and ask another rider if theyre ok.....not because I can help mechanically but I know id appreciate it if it were me, and seeing a cheerful face when you are at the side of the road makes a differnence......................I hope!!!!!!!
jeanzqueen's Profile

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I usually nod, however if I don't, it's because I'm concentrating.   Since coming off last year and smashing my wrist in several places, I tend to pay more attention to what I'm doing Big smile                                                                                                                                                                             
davidneale's Profile

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I am not sure where this nodding came from or when it started. I only nod in situations where another biker or car has given way for me. If you nodded at every bike you see riding through London rush hour your head would fall of.   Don't see a problem with riding 125, it's all you really need when riding mainly in a city. What are you going to do with all those extra nags. The question I ask is, by nodding are you showing respect for the other rider or their bike??????   I rode 250 for many years (failed test in 66) then 125 until last year. I must suffer from the woman thing, frightened of faiilure. As I had always kicked myself for not getting the licence I decided it's never too late and what the f"*ck if I fail, they are not going to shoot me. As I had done my 47 year apprentiship on a bike. I took the plunge and past. Not bad for a 63 year old git. I admit I took the test on a 125 so I have to wait a little longer for the full unrestricted licence. However I am now riding the bike I want, 1958 BMW R50, 500cc and only 26 nags, but its great fun.                                                                                                                                                                              

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