On this day.....

93 Posts | Latest reply on 03/03/2019 20:09:34 by jinx57 | Go to original / last post
izzyhill's Profile

In: Hamilton
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in 1945, 617 'Dambusters' Squadron dropped the heaviest bomb of the war. Nick-named 'Ten Ton Tess' and weighing 22,000 pounds, it was developed by Barnes Wallace who had previously produced the bouncing bomb.

in 1960 Jodrell Bank's radio telescope set a new record in making contact with a satellite, at a distance of 470,000 miles it smashed the previous record of a mere 290,000 miles.

I hope our birthday riders are racking up the miles as it's a glorious Cool day to be out. Happy birthday one and all:
Adam153, ade roberts, Bazbike, boxercup, clouds, dukenpep, gaf675, ginty, gxr6, happytheman, honda wings, Johnnysxr, kickstart88, Kwakingup, Lea696, longlegs, Mark41, Matty B, me9001, Nibs, oynak, panst1100, Shadowdancer, shajan, stonefishblue, takealook, trackday junkie, Triumph1050rider, Triumphgirl54, trudie, twinkletoes, young1960                                                                                                                                                                             
izzyhill's Profile

In: Hamilton
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in 1906 Rolls-Royce Limited was founded

in 1909 Selfridge's store opened in Oxford Street (you may have been watching the chronicles of the owner Harry Gordon Selfridge on't telly)

in 1964 Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor married, for the first time.

a good day for new new ventures, and a memorable day for our birthday friends, all the very best to you all:
Aphrodite, aria 06, bob1962, bomb doctor, Brianffc, Briton70, capn125, castlemayor, chiv, DanielGT, Ducati king, DynaToon, geoffr65, hippy, Jaf, jamesd, jayronivy2, langen6, LiamZX6R, Lilacmare, lou66, Marie705, Maurice1956, MK, newportkev, poshpilly, puff50, qkmr1, qwerty1965, ravenk9, roadstar, ShauneoK, sidecar 1500, simonchev, SpeedyR1, speedyuk, SpiderX, steve tuono, Steve1137, Stevie g123, superstorm63, tammanend, upex, v60fishey, viczen                                                                                                                                                                             
izzyhill's Profile

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in 1971 British heavyweight boxing champion Henry Cooper announced his retirement following a defeat by Joe Bugner.

in 2001 it was the only day between 1993 and 2002 when nobody in the UK committed suicide according to a health survey.

and on that cheery note, we wish all today's birthday boys and girls a very Happy Birthday Party I hope all is good with you:
96jock69, abc123, Barrow Biker, berkshirebabe, BorisAJL, bsahornet, deedee1a, demonbiker900, Droid, Eiron, fireblader, Graham16, kaz07811, kev-kool, lxlvr2, Mark.ZRX12, mdf5011, mickey m3, Nick750, norton1929, scimitar66, skoalbandit744, thistle1603, uglybeard, vivo67, xxx-chele-xxx, ZXR 59                                                                                                                                                                             
izzyhill's Profile

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in 1951 Dennis the Menace made his first comic strip appearance, today he can start drawing his pension. Scary!

I hope all today's Menances are having a Menacing time. Happy birthday to you all:
916sp, Alan1967, bikechick999, bikelover1966, Boots1703, Charlieboy1200, curlyboy, fella4fun, Fireskull, gocommando, Harley1600, JamesR, Jay4fun, Jellybean, Joannesaphine1, ketch, Leipster, littledynamo, MarkSimpsonUK, mick9136, moxy2477, Norbski66, Olliestyle, Olliewood, paddywack61, R6 shaza, RabbitRob, russellpearce, Shillers, siataukreg, Smoothie472, spaniard, Sporty-Pete, sps170373, stutts, sussex suzi, Suze1770, theredleopard, TinaTt, Tomthebiker, trikesman, trish17, WELSH_BIKER, yamahamad                                                                                                                                                                              
izzyhill's Profile

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in 1834 six farm labourers from Tolpuddle were sentenced to be transported to Australia for 7 years for forming the first trade union and introducing collective bargaining for better wages.  There was such an outcry over the conviction that they were pardoned 2 years later and allowed to return to England.

in 2015 two Polish men were rescued in the English Channel trying to paddle a rowing boat from Britain to Calais after failing to find work here. (Last year a total of 28 illegal immigrants were caught trying to smuggle themselves back out of Britain).

Well, the days are lengthening and warming up so I hope you merry bikers are content to stay here and enjoy summer out on two wheels. Happy birthday one and all:
adieeg, alsimo1971, Amanda, Aussiepj, azkrad, Blondie18, busterblane, Chris Linsley, Essxbiker44, gham1874, glyn125, Gothic Fairy, GuiltyPleasure, hairbare, HondaDCT57, intonet, Jezz7, kittyrose, longshanks, madcap, Maninblack63, nexxus1977, Phil_68, polo, SCREAMER123, simong, tri885, Triple78, Wildthing1, wing man

izzyhill's Profile

In: Hamilton
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in 1649 the House of Commons passed an act abolishing the House of Lords, declaring it 'useless and dangerous to the people of England'   -   some things never change!

in 1938 the BBC televised its first rugby match: the Calcutta Cup played at Twickenham. Scotland beat England 21-16   -   some things do change!

Sorry for the late birthday wishes, but better late than never. Happy birthday to all those celebrating today:
48Tomo48, airhead, andybandit1200, BDSM Bounder, BigBarmyBazzer, billy183, Blackpool_biker, blade19, bluemuncie, brian19591, BrianC, burkey, chris.sheridan, cmj897, damselindistress, diggers1, F4frank, firebladedave, frenchychris, fullsenses, Harley D Rider, hayabusarider, Hoochbear01, JayR1M, jimbosr1, kame1986, LammaDave, leatherguy, modwaterman, npurcell76, Old Gray Head, oldmoods, Phil68, Rabbit86, richie203, Sennas, Sharky19, shavehead52, Steve675rx, TheIrishCharmer, vanh84, vanyar, Wheelz1972, z900dave, zei220                                                                                                                                                                             
izzyhill's Profile

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in 1966 the Jules Rimet trophy - the football World Cup - was stolen while on display at Central Hall in London. I suppose someone thought there was no chance of ever winning it again.

in 1980 'Mi Amigo', the ship from which Radio Caroline broadcast its unlicenced music programmes, sank in a storm. 
I blame pirates Wink

I hope eveyone celebrting today has had (is having) a great day. Happy birthday to you all:
andy the rover, astewart, baldninja, Big_marc, bigbang, bigsmile, Biker.bailey, bikesrme, bladerunner2, bobblehead, bontonroulea, Dando79, Daytonaandy, dickie4c, Doctor Feelgood, Electricgypsy, getz, harleyefc, ianv3, James Bond, Jon1985, jumpyflyer, konahoss, LB, lea82x, lola22, markducatievo1100, MrBluesky, Nicety, nick_swoosh, Post2004, pump monky, rickbat, Samthemanlethertan, steve1000rr, Taz1, TC-TOPCAP, tgoodevans, Tobboo, tomechs, tracybth, unimportant, Welsbiker46, welshwaggy                                                                                                                                                                             
izzyhill's Profile

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in 1980 the "Dallas" episode 'A House Divided' was aired - kicking off 8 months of worldwide speculation about who shot JR?
those were the days, big hair and shoulder pads!

Closer to home, and worthy of greater consideration, are the birthdays of our BM friends:
1Don, Airbrushermatt, akers112, Askari, asus115, bikerlad91, billythebiker, boudicca1, chris1960, CHRISPY1, Dee Woffaz, doddy59, Gadget Gaz, gary. f., HappyBunny, Helen1975, hellon2wheels, Hiya busa, ianz1000, jacj61, Jan500, jenno21, Jonboy76, kawaninja65, kismet_zx, leebouy67, magicvfr, medic21360, Mich1970, Nigel, Raykay63, RockBikerBabe, rossoandy21, sammicat, sexy211964, slave1, steve650, Sump Plug, suzuki sam, TL1000S_T, Venom59, Vern70, Yamyamfjr1300, z1000a1

Hope you have all had a great day.                                                                                                                                                                             
izzyhill's Profile

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in 1926 the first directional markings were introduced on to British roads. They caused immediate confusion and led to seven accidents on the first day. Nothing new on our roads then!

in 1997 comet Hale-Bopp made it's closest pass to Earth. If you missed it, it'll be back - around 4397.

and someone especially wanted you to know that on this day in 1967 Muhammed Ali knocked out Zora Folley in the 7th round of what was to be Ali's last fight before a 3 year exile from boxing (because he refused to be conscripted to the US Army). Still the Greatest.

Today we also celebrate birthdays with our friends on BM. Hope you all have a great day:
2weels46, AndyZ1000, beachbar, Bikerrob11, cazmf, davevictory, evo988, gixxer-6, grizzwold, hightower, jacksdad, Johnny-Sax, Jooz3572, Ladyflint, leonard126, lonestar17oo, luna-raven, Macaroni, Marsh1300, mikelebike, Mr_GSXR, Nice1dave, Oilyfingers56, paddy131, phil66, pk1961, R6mac, Raggi, Rattz, tyman999, wiltshire, Zebra, zedhead1100.1, ZZRRider                                                                                                                                                                             
izzyhill's Profile

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in 1926 Roger Bannister, the first person to run a sub-four minute mile, was born. 

in 1972 Evel Knievel broke 93 bones after successfully jumping 35 cars. I'm not sure I'd call that "successful"!

Happy birthday greetings to BMers:
andyadams, animalz1000, belldavid770, bikefarmer, billybob, Charlie61, DAVEXCHESHIRE, DC1, Dorset warrior, Drducati, exmarine372, fo1360, ggkkww, Jay69, julesz, Kayleigh45, lulu900, MOZZIEBOY, mudbddha77, ninjaturbo, Nooms, pipin21, Rlobaski, sandyshaw, soulman2360, staffordshire_steve, Stephski, tankdfm, Tiger750, tim233, Turpin, ukpaul, Wellysj, Wildone87, xBaldyx

Hope you all have a fantastic day                                                                                                                                                                             
izzyhill's Profile

In: Hamilton
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in 1707 the Acts of Union, uniting England and Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain, was signed.

in 1834 craftsman, poet and socialist William Morris was born

in 1944 prisoners began breaking out of Stalag Luft III in the event later dramatized as The Great Escape.

Well, it's nearly Easter and a holiday weekend for most of us so I expect our birthday crew are looking forward to blowing out some candles and eating jelly and ice cream; have a good one all of you:
62steve, badspelr, BanditkM, bluecc, cruiser jon, cysgod, dtt, fasteddie774, Gonyirsel, grizldguzzi, helit, Holley_A, Icurus, jonastravolta, Korky71, LaLa13, lester, lonelygirl1, Lyndon69, Milo1, Niamhs mummy, Nikkicake, nnathann2403, Nyk, Olie95, Pieszy, rebelman, Reborn49, Red.dragon1, redline_ste, Rhydian, RockBikerDean, S1000RRR, shaun25, TonyG, Tourista, Triumph 55, vivacity87v, Zac Angel, ZZR Paul                                                                                                                                                                             
izzyhill's Profile

In: Hamilton
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in 1876 the first football international between Wales and Scotland was played in Glasgow. Scotland won 4 - 0.

in 1949 the first British film to win an academy award actually won 5 Oscars. It was Laurence Olivier's 'Hamlet'.  We Brits don't do things by halves.

Today there's just time to congratulate our BM friends celebrating a birthday - sorry it's so late and I hope you've been too busy to notice Embarrassed
AscotZZR, beta2, Bikerbrum, Chris59, Dan2424, daviddodge, Dexie25, Doordonot, Frenchy63, groomer, harleygirly, hutchypfs, kferdinando, KTM, Labgeek, ladyblader, Lincoln_Imp_88, madadder, matt675j, MCJ, mjvtr, moonchild66, muttley271, Paddystyle, pepo69, Piroukay, spongebob, Squonk, steve mg, Stuart69, tigerlilly2, Tinman2503, toutarriveenfrance, windy11                                                                                                                                                                              
jinx57's Profile

In: Leonard Stanley
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On this day in 1957..i was brought into the world,probably crying like a baby,pmsl                                                                                                                                                                             

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