Fingers crossed for the consultant Tuesday then CG
There'll be plenty of other occasions, so please please please don't overdo it for the sake of making it to this meet!
I make you right on the overnight camping bit too - it's a long haul to do it as a day trip.
I hear you Ghostie... this lack of money lark is no fun is it? Maybe next time?
I'm desperately trying to get some cash for the weekend and failing miserably... Only sold 2 items during the week at the shop I've got my jewellery in (3 quid's worth once the shop's had their cut - yippee skippy bleedin' dooo!) Even ebay's a complete waste of time at the mo - just sold a load of boots & stuff, some barely worn, all gone for opening bid price of 99p, bar 1 pair of shoes which went for the princely sum of £1.25 - weyhey!
I'm cashing in the last of my savings this week
Those 2 wheels are getting further and further away from my grasp... And the creditors are getting stroppier and stroppier... The Social don't want to know, unless I take my previous employer to tribunal which is not an option as far as I'm concerned...
*screams in a slightly hysterical manner*
I'm thinking of charging people Saturday... it's gotta be worth a fiver a head for me NOT to go nekkid dancin' around the stones, right?