OK, I'm hoping to be there for 11 "ish"
With a view to making a start about 12
That should give folks enough of a "window" to get there & get organised wi brews and food etc.
I'll be there all afternoon so we should have enough time to give everyone some individual attention
But we may have to have some "group" demonstrations to save time
Kaycat can't make it now so any offers of help on the day will be most welcomed
Depending on how many "actually" turn up, I would appreciate any help that can be offered by "experienced" peeps
Might have to call on the services of Poshtotty
I hear she's pretty handy with the spanners
If those who have them, can bring their manuals/owners handbook that would be a great help
Also make sure you bring the bike's toolkit if you have one
I'll be bringing a few "toys" which should cover most jobs
As mentioned previously there is no "plan"
Just deal with whatever questions you may have after outlining the maintenance tasks you can safely carry out yourselves
"Spectators" are welcome to come and observe/join in
You never know what morsel of information might come in handy one day
Just remember folks, whilst I have fairly good working knowledge of bikes
I'm not an encyclopedia of motorcycling
So I may not be able to answer every question
But I'll make a point of finding out so we both learn something
See you there