And, may i add Mr Dustin, you are very lucky that i have promised Matt to behave with my comments on threads!!!!!!
Firstly, whether you are joking, baiting us female bikers to bite, or being just a plain old boring male chauvinist, you're following comment was uncalled for:-
Coz after all you're only a female. You shouldn't ride motorcycles , they are only for men. Although I don't have a problem if you ride a scooter[sidesaddle]. ....Dusty
WHY NOT??????????
If, motorcycles were meant only for men, then surely god wouldn't have created man with those little dangly bits you've got between your legs?? (little not being sarcastic just not big compared to mens heads)!!!!! So much comfier on a bike not owning a pair, surely!!!????
As to taking cars to bike events, aside from the obvious reasons, disablement, illness, busted body, loving bikes but not owning one or bike off road etc.....Personally for me i think its wrong. I had to go to a rally last year in a car as my bike was poorly, didn't enjoy half as much, felt naked!!!!!!
That is my opinion, which i am entitled to, but why do we go to bike events in the first place??? Apart from our love of bikes, trikes etc, I for one go because in this day and age, its one of the few venues where we can go to thoroughly enjoy ourselves, without the threat of drunken yobs causing chaos...A place of pure friendship, where we don't have to watch our backs the whole time, hoping not to get glassed, beaten, stabbed or worse.......So, if people love bikes and want a good time, why shouldn't they go to a bike event????
Maybe you had bikes, then got married and kids etc, lost your job and could no longer afford to own a bike, does that mean the way of life you love has to be prohibited because of unfortunate circumstances????? That, also to me is wrong!!!!!!
Pro's and cons to every situation in life, everyone must juggle their's and make the most out of it!!!!!!!