Well if the majority rules its easy to see what the general consesous is here (if theats spelt right). Every rally I have been to, women have declothed their upper bodies, as for some reason, some women seem to derive pleasure from exposing themselves and bang on about it all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Men (espeically at the Leeds rally) were lifting their kilts dropping their trousers on at least 5 occasions that I could see. If you think that is a great enviroment to bring a kid up in then more fool you........and when I say kids I mean exactly what Johnny tb has echoed and a lot have on here, its the little ones about 8 years old up to 16 that were and are a pain in the arse, you never see their parents near them they have to take centre stage and make everyone watch their misbehaving. I actually spent about 15 minutes talking to a young lad and his parents whilst I was trying to flip a can into a bin, and he was perfectly behaved, well spoken loved bikes and stuck next to him mum and dad all weekend. that I like seeing. But these little shy**ster are the ones, we all grumble at........attention seeking little brats, with their kids in a litttle gang, swearing away and acting older than their years. We all seem them hanging around on street corners intimindating the elderly or less brave in our lives, these these little repribates is what I am going on about......and I echo it again, there are so many activities for kids to enjoy nowadays.......and yeah if you want bonding with other kids, look at what everyone else is writing on this thread........
Ban little badly behaved swearing attention thugs, boot then out and ban their mums and dads again......and I am sure we would all be happy.
I ran my own rally in NZ and the kids that came if they were lurking about menacing in 2's or 3's and being a pain, Iwould march them up to their mums and dads, and tell them to get them to behave or get off my rally site.........It was well marshalled for all types of things including....monitoring unsupervised children.......Blimey next thing we'll have a creche!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if that insenses folk......Majority rules on this one I think......
Eh ciao for now