Brummie Jackie
I was surprised at how many cars only have 1 headlight working on my way home from work tonight !!! (do you think they are in disguise?)
If you wear hi-vis and the correct safety equipment with your lights on yada yada then in the worst case scenario you are in stronger position than the other side when the legal battle starts. When I was knocked off my bike, firstly the driver shat himself thinking he had hit a copper, the police and ambulance thought i was an off duty paramedic. the driver tried to use the i didn't see him defense and the investigating officer instantly charged him with causing injury through dangerous driving. he was later convicted of driving without due care and attention. The bottom line is a Hi-vis will help you not have an incident or help you after one.
got viz magazine dose that count ? lol
I get me high viz coats from screw-fix or Strauss, they're long enough, have enough silver/reflective bands on em, waterproof, lots of pockets and are less than £20. I'll get a new one at the start of the year, and when it gets round to winter, (when maybe it's got damaged) use that one for work, and get another, sorted.
Hi viz can work can't work as does head light on off argument...i ride two different machines one sports the other is a commuter/trail style, the trail style i have black pants with blue and white jacket, the sports lime green race leathers and the only difference is on the motorway when car driver's are looking behind to check for the police im easily seen in green and you can visible see them slow down or wait for me to pass but everywhere else it's very common to see driver's (car or van) with phone's, food or drink in their hand's whilst making a maneuver and not observing what is around them.
The next and i think the worst part is a distracted driver at junctions roundabout's etc etc, when their impatience get's the better of safe judgment, they don't see us or sometimes do but ( and god only knows why ) think they can keep up with or out accelerate a bike when filtering passed traffic.
It's personal preference as to what colours you where but i will always wear a back protector and Armored leather's and believe that no one can see me.
O yeah the other thing i forgot about police in most area's trying different ways to annoy and deter (fact; the police officer stated they were stopping riders in rush hour making them late for work) motorcyclist to try and put us the meager few of riding and this is very evident in north wales. The police in this thread where using the hi viz vest as a blind to check motorcycles also the police do not have the right to make you wear hi viz. Don't take this as another angry reply im not angry i just hate nanny state tactics and the suppression of freedom and bike's are about freedom.
I went over to Brighton the other week for the brightonna bike meet dont remember seeing on person in hi viz other than the odd copper.
Now wouldnt that have been a better time to have a chat with bikers when they have a bit of spare time and not on there way into work.
They cant have it both ways tell you to wear Hi viz then complain because your bike makes you noticable with a loud exhaust.
Feel sorry for some of the coppers when they go into work and read the latest idea from there lords and masters. They must think how much shit am I going to get for this one
the car drivers need to be educated more about motorbikes as well as proper use of mirrors and the need to look out for them !!
making bikers wear hi vis isnt the answer ,ive a white old gixer 750 and the exhaust makes drivers wake up more than a hi vis jacket ever would do even had a truck driver move over whilst filtering in portsmouth !!
i almost got taken out in my red vw golf two days ago (i do drive a car as well )by a white van driver who was in the wrong lane on a roundabout and thought fuck everybody else im just going to go !!
sorry but think plod see bikers as an easy target,you could wear full hi vis and still get knocked off by a car/van driver and they still would say i didnt see you mate !!
everyone driving /riding just needs to look out for every body else and get the loudest exhaust possible on a bike or we will all have to wear hi vis if E.U gets its way !!
Deleted Member
On a bike I ride. on coming with or without a hi vis & the head light on ya cant see the hi viz. In reality its about revenue & I wonder how many were court without tax,mot,ins,dodgy bike etc & IT's the car drivers who defiantly need educating & not seeing someone on a bike,on foot or in a car means that person should not be on the road & needs scrutiny. A good deterrent to be tested again & emphasis on the vision of the offending driver. At least a drunk driver hasn't the excuse of being drunk & is incapable of seein anythin.