Pictures available online now...
Download all of them (To burn to CD etc)...
I've gotta say... what an insane party!
I can't believe that you are all as mental as the BikeChat lot!
Sorry again for being late - blame Derby council for the shit road system and poor signage where there are roadworks lol
A massive thanks to Gwen and RC for creating such a wonderful book. Very nicely presented and very... erm.... humorous??? lol. Laura say's im not allowed to comment on the content of it, particularly one by HarleyHoney lol. I've still not read it all... theres LOADS. Everytime I open it I get a new one. I recommend everyone gets one, its a great old chuckle.
Thanks again everyone for the great night out, was absolutely fantastic to meet you all... and yes you are all as crazy as I imagined you to be.
And really though, ring-a-ring-a-roses in a rock club?
And for those who didn't go back to the hotel with us, this is how we got there...
The plot...
The method...
The culprit? This...
Enjoy the photos!