Thanks Guys & Gals. Some very good replies and all varied yet a lot the same
I'm not looking for justification as to why it ended.
This relationship wasn't to be and that's that.
I'm just about over it now.... NO I AM over it
A classic case of one loving the other more than the other and that was it.
I suppose it was a mutual need by both to be with and enjoy each others company on all levels.
Life, as it seem everyone says, Is too short.
Personally I don't agree with that myself. Life for some is too long, whether it's because of age, loneliness, ill health, depression or you lost the thing you loved most in your life or whatever else come to that
we can live upto 70 to 90 without too much of a problem these days, that is a long time to live with something that maybe didn't work out or to grieve for ?
However, what I was, or am looking for by posting this thread, are ways to learn from the experience by asking others for their thoughts on whether you can still be friends with an ex who wants to still be friends with you whom you may not have trusted entirely for one reason or another.
Yes of course each relationship is different but all have at least two things in common, trust and love, and you need both for it to work.
I am still very good friends with a couple of my ex girlfriends and see them socially as friends, usually in mixed company or with their partners, however I don't think their partners know that I am their "ex"
I wouldn't want any of them to be run over by a truck but I wouldn't have minded if 1 or 2 of the new boyfriends that replaced me were run over by a truck lol
I agree ex's are ex's for a reason as long as its purely 'platonic' with no yearning.
This is where the trust come into play. Once bitten twice shy maybe ??
Next time round it will be a 50/50 partnership, up front, out in the open for all to see and hopefully I will have got to grips with my own insecurities by then because,,,, I AM OVER IT NOW
Many thanks again