Parking Fines

25 Posts | Latest reply on 04/11/2011 13:36:06 by rossoandy21 | Go to original / last post
rossoandy21's Profile

In: ashford
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Thanks all for your views. I would like to say I no problem in paying for a ticket when required. What has caused the issue is the fact that many many bikes park here regularly and not one of my mates has every had a ticket or even known it was required. The signage is very poor and I sure I right to say that it was always the norm for bikes to be exempt if in a specified bike bay. However cash strapped auth now looking to raise revenue wherever they can an so charging is becoming more likely anywhere. That said, they should be ensuring it is clear bikes now pay and providing a tiket that is either paid via text or as some people have said provide a two part bike tiket so if one part is stolen/lost there is proof of purchase.(still failure to display though). I also feel the fine should be smaller than car one as parking fee is much less? I wonder how councils will respond if we all pay the car rate and park in a car bay..soon fill up car parks at places such as Hastings on a sunny weekend! I also see disabled parking only free in a designated dizzy bay....there no bike disabled bays though! and just where would u leave yer blue badge lol. I going to appeal on grounds of poor signage and historic parking there over past 20yrs without charges due. i will ask for personal appearance at court to provide the evidence and hope common sense prevails. If it doesnt I wnt be riding to Hastings agian..ever. I also want to know how will they deal with the Bank Hol Mayday run to hastings? 00000s of bikes with no designated parking to cope...usually pavements have rows of bikes...but of course thats an offence!                                                                                                                                                                             
madscots's Profile

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The legislation says that there needs to be adequate signage so i would appeal on those grounds.

I had some clown put 5 tickets on my bike in same place and had all rescinded Wink  There was no signs stating the area was enforceable so they had to back down.

I got to point i just parked it there next to bike bay so he could slap another on lol  They got the message after a while Clap
madscots's Profile

In: Edinburgh
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took a year like lol
geoffb2005's Profile

In: Leeds
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Pay the fine and put it down to experience .. seriously.  You could fight it but it sounds like you were in the wrong from not reading the machine rules.  And fighting these things can be expensive, certainly likely to cost you a lot more than £60!

We all get things wrong sometimes and occasionally in the world we live in today this costs us money, so hand over the pennies and put it behind you.                                                                                                                                                                              
rossoandy21's Profile

In: ashford
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Spoken to lots of bikers one knew there was charging for bike park at Hastings!
Signage is not specific and as park parking is segregated from main car park area it is not apparent that charges would apply. Odd thing is I only know of one person who has recd a ticket!                                                                                                                                                                             

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