biger words onabike lol
Deleted Member
The expression "up and down like a whore's drawers" comes to mind. Perhaps we should just vote who we want in or suggest ways to tweak the system in order that our favourites make it to the top?
Brummie Jackie
Wouldnt it have justbeen easier to get rid of the top most popular folk list
Deleted Member
Indeed, would save all this aggro. Seems you get penalised now for not having much of a vocabulary in the forums. For instance "I agree" when adding your view to a topic will reduce your karma. Bad luck all you out there who are not good with the English language or don't express yourself very well.
No, the "top" lists allow me to see how accurate the system is working.
There was a 50% gap between 1st and 2nd place for the ladies... this is now fixed.
Hence another good thing to come from the "top" pages
V... if you don't like that Karma is removed for just putting "LOL" then just say that! If nobody wants that to be the case then I can VERY easily fix it by removing that variable.
BUT... in the past people have complained about the "drivel" and wanting members penalised in their Karma for short posts. Others saw it as cheating to get your karma up by just putting 1-word replies in every topic every day
Brummie Jackie
Should 'un bone up on 'oo things am spelt.
I agree with the "up n down down like a whore's knickers" 63% to 34% to 50% confuddling to say the least!
That's cos the system is changing. If you all close your eyes and ignore the karma between Monday and Wednesday you wont have to see it going up and down :-D
It's a system of trial and error... it's hard to get the maths perfect so that everyone has a fair and accurate representation of their site activity
and like someone said previously, some are not quite as eloquent as others and may only add the odd few words to a post, personally I read the forums more than I post, apart from the silly section
must say all in all, loving the site, met some good folk and made new friends
Glad you like the site.
And I'm sure people can post more than 10 characters!
Anything more than 100 increases your Karma, anything less than 10 decreases it.
Stops people putting "LOL" at the end of EVERY topic EVERY morning just to boost their Karma.
If this isn't how WE want it, then tell me. The Karma system is here to stay but what goes into Karma we can debate. We need to stop people trying to cheat the system at the same time as making it a true representation of someone's activity on the site
Deleted Member
Lol was a joke boss, to get my karma reduced so I wasn't on the Top 20! Now I've ruined it by explaining myself - see my problem? lol
V, i was referring to this post...
"Indeed, would save all this aggro. Seems you get penalised now for not having much of a vocabulary in the forums. For instance "I agree" when adding your view to a topic will reduce your karma. Bad luck all you out there who are not good with the English language or don't express yourself very well."
Saying... if you want me to remove the "reduction for small forum posts" variable the say so and if everyone agrees I will remove it.
I did get the LOL joke :-D
So, for instance, playing the word games where only word is needed, your Karma drops?
doesnt take much to confuse me by the way, am not the brightest tool in the box lol
bandit lover
Can someone set their account to be notified of new people joining so that they can send them a welcome PM???
I just thought it was an automated PM from you Matt!
Not that this is something I want to do, I am just curious as to how people know about who has joined before they post on the newbies thread.
A simple yes or no will surfice.
That's fine... so one vote to remove that variable from karma.
V.... you also voting to remove the "short forum post" count?
Deleted Member
Trish, the answer is yes.
Matt, I have no preference, I just think it may penalise others.
bandit lover
I have answered my own question. It would seem that there is an you can. So, are new people going to get bombarded with welcome messages now??
Sorry V, only just saw your posting.
Brummie Jackie
You can use the Matchmaker to get notifications of new folk joining in your area and then you can send them a welcome message, its something i do to both men and women, keeps my options open lol
bandit lover
There ya go then. Everyone that wants to boost their Karma, set your matchmaker to get notifications of people joining not just in your area but Nationally and drop them a welcome PM.
Deleted Member
I cant see why a site would want to make people more popular than others,,,,,i think this whole karma situation is making a great biker site look worse than it is,,,,
great events,,,great banter,,,even great drivvle or whatever you want to call it,,,,,,but to see karma posts when you log on may make people think twice,,,,had i not already been a member before and know what the site can give me then i would certainly think twice if i came upon BM while browsing,,,,,,just my opinion,,,whats next,,,gold stars !!!!