Woooohooooooooo I love a healthy debate
. Thank you all very much for your comments:
Ian: saw your bike at Skegness and it is a stunner
, jap cruisers are heavy, my Suzuki intruder 1500 was 324 kgs, my Road King is 348 kgs eeeek
JPharley: you are spot on mate - Harley riders constantly take jibes on the chin and we rarely bite back ( I make sure my teeth are freshly sharpened when I do though
) Good to here it ok and just mine.
Greasy Tony: thanks as always for your input, invaluable as ever. Glad you happy for Bossmom and I to share you - was happening anyway lol
must be lovely to be in demand
Bossmom, I concede that you got Tony our Harley Guru
first but as Tony says can we share his awesomeness
(will his head still fit into his lid lol) do we have joint custody of him?
Geoff: it is really disconcerting and I nearly have a stroke each time it happens. I'm sure I will get used to it
Littlechick: was there a point to your posts