
22 Posts | Latest reply on 01/03/2011 20:25:48 by ayjay | Go to original / last post
ace_morgan's Profile

In: Hadleigh, Southe
Posts: 122
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Knowing what *Beeps* the insurance companies are and how they will anything and i mean ANYTHING to get out of a claim, it would be best to cover yourself just in case, better safe than sorry

Hope the healing is going ok and continues to improve                                                                                                                                                                             
ayjay's Profile

Posts: 262
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Depends if you reckon your reaction times are ok and how quick you can get off the thottle on to the brake, or such like, ive seen peeps before sayin they're ok to drive but aren't really,it's like watchin old bods in petrol stations, takes them bloody ages to get out of car and walk to kiosk, all the time i'm thinkin bloody ell he's drivin, thats scary, but i'm sure you know how well you equipped to drive!

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