I enjoy the feeling of being in charge of my own destiny,When I,m on mi
bike the rest of the world ceases to exist.Biking to me has always been a
type of escape and a power trip wound up in one.and my gsr 600 certainly gives me that!
I've never been into the poetry of the road thing,but I can see where
people who are, are coming from.I often hear people putting the ideal
down,but I do strongly identify with the bikes I ride.
This dos'nt mean I have any problems with the riders of any style of bike,But I sure have my own preference in styles.
Bikes to me have always represented an alternative way of doing things
that has nothing to do with being some kind of rebel,I mean it dosnt
matter what we ride, we have style.Some thing a bit lacking in every day
life.don't you think.
OK dribble of the day over.