I met Tony Blair when John Smith was still alive, and the slimy b**stard was lining himself up for PM then. Don't know how many of his relatives will be buying his book cos I suspect he has sold most of them to get a vote.
Rather than pelting him and ranting, people should just not buy the book. He's made enough money out of shafting this country. He's on about donating £4m to the British Legion, he should give the lot, and it should have been an anonymous donation not another publicity stunt.
I have always voted Labour, not cos my parents did but because I'm a socialist, and in Clay Cross, hometown of Dennis Skinner, any other vote is wasted,our current Labour MP is called Ey-ore. But for the last 3 general elections I've had to stick to my principles and waste my vote, because Labour is no longer a socialist party, so yes I can criticise without conscience.
Back to the topic, we went to war, because he wanted to engratiate himself with Bush, Bush went to war because half the senate own 80% of the oil companies.
War criminal or not, Blair lied to the country re the reason for going to war.
As for the injustices executed on middle eastern population, many African dictators are no better but do we step in there? No! I wonder why! Is it cos they is poor?
And there's much better ways to work off stress Johnny