I detest being pillion, same as being a a car passenger ....... as scooby said, lack of control. Think I've ever only been pillion 5 times in my life.
Once on the back of 350 Triumph, once on the back of a CB750, I rode his bike as he hadn't passed his test and then he decided he was riding back, so it was that or walk 30 miles, wish I'd walked, I got off feeling physically sick,
twice on the back of a 600 bandit (female rider) who I kept head butting as she couldn't do smooth gear changes or brake smoothly, crept round the corners and accelerated on the straights and the other time was on an early GPZ1100, the rider was doing 120 over the moors as sheep wandered along the verges
, he suffered from flashbacks from his earlier .... lets say substance abuse.
If I offer a pillion ride, then I'll put the petrol in and they get the coffee.
If they ask, then its 50/50 on the petrol and the coffees.