lol I wish that would happen we on film everywere these days its intrusive (and yes i agree there are more important stuff that should be being policed)
...everyone with black and silver plates got recitification notices but no points or fines.
I prefer the old colours, does anyone know WHY they were changed?
(It cost me £17 for a new licence plate, about 6 yrs ago, then I found a spare one, when I sold the bike, in the box of bits that came with the bike when I bought it, DOH! lol)
if they took as much trouble to stop all the tossers with illegally formatted plates(the ones that spell words,no matter how tenuosly)or vehicles with black/silver/white plates they would never have time to bother master criminals such as our dear selves....simples!
Everyone seems to have missed the fact that you can actually have the number plate withdrawn and face a fine of up to £1k
Motorcycles registered from
2001 onward must have a two-lined number plate measuring at least 9
inches by 7 inches. Pre-2001 motorcycles may use a number plate
displaying three lines; however, in no instance is a one-line number
plate legal on a motorcycle.
TypefaceAll motorcycle registrations
from 2001 on must use the "Charles Wright" typeface, and letters should
be 64mm by 44mm and separated by a gap of 10mm. Groups of letters are
not to be pushed together to spell words, nor are fixing bolts to be
used to alter the appearance of letters.
The fixed penalty notice
(on-the-spot fine) for displaying an illegal number plate is £60. This
covers failure to conform with rules on font, size and colour of number
plates. Offenders could face fines up to a maximum of £1,000 and risk
having the registration withdrawn, thus making the bike illegal until
Ive been riding my bike for 6 years with the same plate BossMom has been riding her bike for 2 half years with the same plate both dont meet the law. I dont put the tax disc on its in my pocket if I remember to take it with me. Never had a problem and hope I never will, thay have better things to do unless you give them a reson to stop you then give then a reson to get the pen out. If your speeding and I dont mean 35 in a 30 or riding like a twat your going to get stopped, and when you do if you tell them thay should be doing something more importante thay will just smile and say we would love to but we are having to deal with you. We all have the abilaty to get off minor stuff if we want to.
Oo you rebel you JP lol, I assume you know that failure to DISPLAY a valid tax disc is an offence?
It always puzzles me when someone gets told off, or worse, by the police, for not conforming to the rules, then they bellyache when they get a fine or points.
Yes I know its an offence not to display a tax disc Sandi and I know what you mean about folk bellyacheing about it. same as sports bike riders fitting a race system to there bike with NOT FOR ROAD USE stamped on it and when there stopped for speeding complaining about the police giving him a ticket for his/her exhust system thay fit them for 1 reson only to make it go faster. For years all I heard was stay out of wales thay hate bikes and stop you as soon as thay see you I have never been stopped in wales we have had a few camps there and I have never fitted my tax disc, I dont change my exhust, I dont change my number plate, I dont ride round the roads at high speeds I leave the to the riders I see at the side of the road getting speeding tickets and fines for race systems on there bikes.
As I said its up to us you get stopped for a reson. "being noticed riding fast "
Deleted Member
When I bought my Nightster it had a tiny USA style number plate on the near side on one of those folding brackets (so it moves rather than snaps if you catch it on something. I really quite liked the unobtrusive plate and was a bit miffed when I had to get a full size plate fitted for the MOT. BUT ... every cloud has a silver lining. The plate is so big that at any speed above 70 mph the wind resistance causes it to fold inwards. :) It's a damn shame.
The plate is so big that at any speed above 70 mph the wind resistance causes it to fold inwards. :) It's a damn shame
Yeah had sml plates & at moment got illegal silver & black plate, not for road use pipes & dodgy tax disc holder, never been pulled on bike but got tug in Southend on illegal plate on work van and fined £60. ( no points ) end of the day its up to the individual & personally i think its worth the risk!
Deleted Member
The bikers always get the thin end of the wedge of any new legislation the 'powers that be' introduce. I was following a red BMW Ser.3 ragtop in traffic recently and I couldn't read the number plate from ten feet and stationary not because the plate was small but was displaying the number in Copperplate script!