Dont get me started about the law, my lad had a serious smash on is brand new DT125 15 months ago, hes only just started to walk right, we thought he was gonna loose his leg. OH and the woman 'SEEN HIM" but still turned right in front of him, she thought she had time to get round was her words. I ended up having a massive row with the cops when I received a letter stating that without doubt she was at fault and she would be placed on a driving programme, What!!!!! So I was straight on the phone and sed I get 3 points and 60 quid fine for going 5 miles over the speed limit, she could of killed my son and doesnt even get a point! Sorry rant over
No the dogs aint managed to make me a cuppa, I gotta do everything meself (rolling in self pity here lol) they did manage to eat half of my sofa at the weekend whilst I was rallying, damn them kids do a fine job of looking after em.
Theres never a dull moment in my job, very long hours but always summat going wrong
So Red u are a geordie lad, up until my lads accident me and my brother ran a courier company outta Newcastle, near Walker.
For my sins I am an ex monkey hanger