
29 Posts | Latest reply on 24/01/2007 20:16:51 by rubecula | Go to original / last post
rubecula's Profile

In: Holyhead
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Women have odd things in their handbags don't they?...... How come it's never money?  ROFL.....   Well.  ok sometimes yer mum does.... lol                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

In: Wellingborough
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I don't go anywhere unless I can pay my own way thanks rubeThumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
rubecula's Profile

In: Holyhead
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I bet it's a plastic card of some kind?  Once upon a time it was always money............. Now..... It's plastic nearly all the time.  Just get some cash while out, never take it out.   No I take that back...... a few coins for the tea/coffee/chocolate machine.   OK I'm wrong again......Wink                                                                                                                                                                             
storm's Profile

In: derbyshire
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yep di i agree i always pay my own way an if i cant afford it i dont go,  lol rube my small change is for the choccie machine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

In: Wellingborough
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yep, if i can't afford it i stay at home. never gone out with a bloke and not offered to pay my way or my mates lol                                                                                                                                                                             
rubecula's Profile

In: Holyhead
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Must admit, not really come across a woman who wasn't willing to pay her way....... but I try to make sure she doesn't need to.  Much more ..... chivalrous?...... to pay for her, or at least make the offer.   Maybe I'm a bit old fashioned, but I wouldn't ever expect a woman to pay her way on a date, but at the same time I wouldn't criticise the offer if she made it..... probably refuse it though.                                                                                                                                                                             
storm's Profile

In: derbyshire
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awwww that very gentlemanley of you rube....... its nice to bicker whos paying ... you can spot the new daters a mile off they argueing over the bill an whose paying.... well if they both decent that is.   my ex used to pay for me while we were out then ask me to cough up when we got home !!!  i got sick of it cos his mates thought he was doing the gentlemanly thing not letting me pay, before we split up i went out of my way to let his mates know what he did................ naughty of me i know but got sick of people thinking he was keeping me !!!! he even used to check the mileage and so i paid him the correct amount for my half !!!!!!!! i wouldnt have minded if he didnt try and put across to his mates that he paid for everything we did   tight arse git face tosser                                                                                                                                                                             
Di's Profile

In: Wellingborough
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ya didn't have an amicable split then? LOL                                                                                                                                                                             
rubecula's Profile

In: Holyhead
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Sounds a nice guy.................... not                                                                                                                                                                             

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