It's particularly fun when you can't get into a disabled bay for love nor money, cos a bunch of lazy-arsed able bodied folk have used them all up and you have to park in the street. ("I'm shopping for my bed-ridden/housebound husband/mother/goldfish" is NOT a valid excuse to be a lazy bitch and use a disabled bay

Walk a few yards FFS, and be grateful that you can!)
Despite a whole ream of notices on the back of my parents' car asking people to leave enough space for its disabled passenger to get his chair up the ramp that's going to drop down from the car, there's always some numpty who decides he's going to dump his motor about 3" away.
So far, we've been lucky and the car in front of ours has been moved within about 10 minutes of waiting, or the driver of the car blocking access returns... Never so much as a sheepish look, let alone an apology.
My parents take a dim view of my threatened wheelchair mods, e.g. extendable spikes a la chariot-stylee, although my Dad has wished on more than one occasion that he wasn't paralysed, purely so he could kick the offending motor!

Perhaps they'd let me get one of those scrolling signs for the back of the car. "Please don't park too close. Seriously. We need 3m at least to drop the ramp and get the wheelchair up it. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Back off! FFS! Can't you READ? Move your damned motor, or we'll move it for you!"