Whats your Opinion?

55 Posts | Latest reply on 31/08/2009 22:10:53 by Deleted User | Go to original / last post
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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i think there will come a time when people get sick of the law and take matters into there own hands !!!!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
pondlife's Profile

In: Bristol
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well,some interesting views! some i agree with and some not but what gets me is the surprise shown for his heros welcome! An idiot could have seen that coming and as for his innocence,well,if it was me convicted of anything and I was innocent,I wouldnt drop any appeal no matter how long it took...even if it had to carry on after my death.I find it a bit suspicious that the day after he abandoned his appeal,he was let out 
Hull750Rider's Profile

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The law has allways been tilted to protect the landed gentry and it look like that will never change!!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Roaring Ruby's Profile
Roaring Ruby

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WHERE was his compassion for 270 men women and children  plus the trauma for families?!!!!! Not forgetting the poor sods the plane landed on                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

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I drove past Lockerbie the next day... it was a Hell of a sight (literally!) - the huge gouge in the landscape, the carnage & debris scattered over the fields, but most of all the stench of the aviation fuel...                                                                                                                                                                             
dunans's Profile

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crowcat spot on m8.
also i dont think the threat of death penalty would have many would be suicide bombers quaking in their boots do you ?
if there is any argument for death penalty it can only be as a deterant
if that libyan aint dead before xmas should they hang his doctor lol
moonstone's Profile

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Why was he allowed to live long enough to get cancer?  the B***** should have died at birth or at conviction !!!                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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Just to clarify... my point wasn't that this man could be innocent, but that the people in Libya may believe him to be innocent...   We don't know what information they've had access to. Most of us are aware to an extent of how much bullpoop our media feed us, so how much bullpoop do you reckon a country like Libya is subjected to by its media?   Can't be dealing with the spineless back-pedalling being done by the British Govt over this though, trying to distance themselves from the whole affair with the old "Well, it wasn't US y'know. It was SCOTland. They're independent - we can't tell them what to do". Bull!                                                                                                                                                                                 
Cataraptor's Profile

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I think Rickdude has it spot on. Our whole legal system has its values mixed up. Mass murderers, violent paedophiles, burglars and muggers are being let off lightly while high (monetary) value crimes are punished more severely, citizens like Tony Martin who defend their property against burglars are treated worse than the burglars and you can get a custodial sentence for speeding on a motorcycle. This combined with (if I can link this to some other threads) with police issuing ASBOs and the potential for fixed penalties for their opinion of careless driving, a licence to beat the crap out of demonstrators and generally hassling groups without the protection of anti-discrimination legislation i.e. motorcyclists, will ultimately lead to a breakdown of law and order. People will no longer tolerate it with the police and legal system marginalised.

As for our Lockerbie bomber, instead of getting into this farcical situation, he should have been made to 'disappear' as soon as the authorities knew about him. Either that or the Russian method of dealing with mass murderers like in the fact-based film, Citizen X where one day a guard walks him into an empty cell and puts a bullet in the back of his head.    
Wannabe's Profile

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Hmmm... Surely it's better to keep these people alive to at least try to establish who was actually behind it all... I personally get the impression that this bloke was just the fall guy for the Lockerbie bombing.   Some guard going round putting bullets in the backs of peoples heads isn't going to solve anything if the wrong people are locked up in the first place.                                                                                                                                                                                 
pondlife's Profile

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The man was found guilty in a court of law after all the evidence was presented before that court.Now apparently,some "new" evidence has come to light so why then did he abandon his appeal?Like I said,if I knew I was innocent of a crime I had been convicted of,I would persue my cause to clear my name.I am still highly suspicious of the fact he abandoned his appeal the day before he was let out. The whole thing stinks and the authorities should hang their collective heads in shame                                                                                                                                                                              
Roaring Ruby's Profile
Roaring Ruby

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OOO!!! Well thats an eye opener 4 me Pond..It does smell very nasty. Sorry to hear of ur experience TEECEE ,that sight must be imprinted in ur brain.   OUR system provides a cell for some horrific criminals  the bomber was only one more..he should never have been allowed to return to his homeland   where family can visit .......... in my opinion,, 4 what its worth.                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
Deleted Member

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Sorry but i will probably piss you all off with this one but my belief is my belief and i will stick by it. The hatetred of a person that commits such a crime over comes all other belief.That part i agree with. The possibility that this person is guilty is somewhat grey to say the least.No evidence has ever been given in a court of law that proves this person did the deed. He was mearly a puppet fed to the baying crowd to satisfy the shite principals that the government feed us.lybia to say the least has no morals but neither do we. We belive that guilty by trial is everything ! Bollocks ! We are as bent as any other nation when it comes to satisfying the requirement of the masses.Any of you minimum wage people out there believe the figures the goverment give us on unemployment ??? Your working ! you have to claim as well but you dont count ! Who cares ? Not the tossers who are in power thats for sure,stats rule their lives. He maybe was just another one/.
Roaring Ruby's Profile
Roaring Ruby

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What is the solution then???? We can spout on 4ever more,,,What will ever REALLY change ,4 so long as humans will be humans.. saw 5 mid age women the other daY push though a door way being held 4 an elderly infirm frail old woman with walking sticks. I was so gobsmacked I couldn''t get my mouth into gear! This was in a Classy Theatre!!!!!  So so RUDE!                                                                                                                                                                             
cissystar650's Profile

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Appeal dropped, then he gets released... Libya = Oil Fields... hmmmm.... doesn't take much to work out why he's now a free man huh?.... and yet again, Gaddafhi (sp?) has himself and his country back in the limelight... thought he'd been a bit quiet lately!   I watched a news report on the day the geezer was released, and the reporter basically said that it's going to happen as the Scottish Government have no option but to follow their own rules about compassionate release, no matter what the crime. Well...that's ok then... so a pervert dying of cancer can go out and do what the hell he likes, knowing that he will be released from prison because of his illness.                                                                                                                                                                                 
Wannabe's Profile

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We belive that guilty by trial is everything ! Bollocks ! We are as bent as any other nation when it comes to satisfying the requirement of the masses.   Ain't that the truth!   Don't reckon you're going to P anyone off Jock - that's the beauty of living in a comparatively free society - we're allowed to hold differing opinions & to express them Wink   England & Wales have very similar rules & regs concerning release on compassionate grounds, so I don't think you can really put it down to blaming Scottish law. Had the man been convicted under English law, the same situation would most likely have occurred.   It happens on a regular basis - we just don't get to hear about it unless they're high profile criminals who are being released.   "Released on compassionate grounds" also includes those who are "released" when they have maybe 12 hours max to survive and they remain handcuffed to a hospital bed. It still counts as "released" and, IMO, is more about the system exercising humanity towards the family, so they can at least sit with him/her round the clock till death.                                                                                                                                                                               
Deleted Member's Profile
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Apologies for the rant last night (must stop posting when i come home from the pub,spelling would be better as well) Unfortunately we now live in a country that is well past its sell by date.We may have ruled the world at one time but now we are a third world state that just wont admit it.We live beyond our means and our children will pay for this privledge for the rest of their lives.The ride to reclaim Wales should be just the start ! The government need to know that people will stand up for themselves.If i screwed up as badly as Tony Blair did i would lose my job.I am labour and have been all my life but its time for an alternative form of representation ! We should all club together and elect a representative and stand as the "Friendly party".Keeping all our election promises,dispanding the armed services and looking after pensioners ! We would be in power in no time at all. Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
pondlife's Profile

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No apologies needed Jock,your opinion is as valid as anyone elses..pissed or not lol                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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Wasn`t pished Pondy,just more vocal than normal. Not much upsets me in life but sometimes something hits a nerve and away i go.                                                                                                                                                                             
pondlife's Profile

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aint that the truth! I think we all have a button like that and one thing that is good about this country is the ability to spout off when we feel like it                                                                                                                                                                             

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