Who do the home office think they are banning a respected, highly
popular, elected member of a European parliament from entering the UK???
Erm... small point of order... it's being reported here that he's awaiting trial in the Netherlands for inciting hatred and discrimination by making anti-Islamic statements.
Otherwise, yes, it seems that once again, the British Government is demonstrating admirably how their left hand doesn't know what their right hand's doing.
Besides, the chap in question already visited the UK in December. Anyone notice?
As for Prince Harry... he doesn't refer to all people who come from Pakistan as "Paki", he referred to one colleague as such... & you can bet yer bottom dollar that his colleagues call him all sorts of derogatory names, either for his hair colour or referring to who his father "really" is (despite the fact that lady Di didn't even meet Hewitt til after Harry was born, and completely ignoring the fact that he's the spit of Prince Philip and how most of the Spencer family are redheads!)
Saying another looked like a "raghead"? Derogatory? Hell yes! But surprise, surprise... When you're training young people to go off and kill other young people in wars, you don't tend to say about the opposing side "Oh, they're terribly unfortunate individuals, who've been conscripted against their will to fight for a regime they don't believe in and their families can only scratch a meagre existence by growing poppies for the international drug cartels".
It's only because it's Harry that it's "newsworthy" (some YEARS after the occasion) and regrettably, our media delight in their mock-shock, while rubbing their hands together in collective glee, thinking of the extra sales/listeners/viewers that yet another Harry gem will bring.
Dressing up as a Nazi to go to a private fancy dress party? Ill-advised perhaps, given his position, but hardly a statement of being a racist. A bunch of us dressed up as characters from 'Allo 'Allo for a party once. Nobody accused us of racism.