CBT and first ride out

44 Posts | Latest reply on 12/12/2008 09:46:55 by Holmfirthgirl | Go to original / last post
Jansky1960's Profile

In: Grantham
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A tale of woe:-------Unhappy

I was supposed to take my DAS test on Nov 12, but I fell off the 500 I was learning on twice, the 2nd time I hurt my left hand and shoulder enough not to be able to continue with it -----Drat!!!

But I have a 125, so am gonna keep practising - weather permitting an have another go next year.

In answer to M/stones question, the test is longer or will be after next March, but all the slow moves are done off road, so no distraction from traffic, people an the odd cat an dog running around lol, which I will find easier.

And am all up for a ride out with other's, maybe we should start our own little club lol!!!!!Thumbs Up
geoffb2005's Profile

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Details of the new off-road section for the motorcycle test from the end of March.   Looks very much like the old Part 1 Test to me.   http://www.dsa.gov.uk/Category.asp?cat=405 http://www.dsa.gov.uk/Documents/MPTC/2008/MMA%20Dimensi...%20USE.pdf   Spyder, is it worth you offering some inside knowledge?                                                                                                                                                                             
Triumph_Sy's Profile

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Club already in full swing Jansky!....check out the FFS girls!....sure they'll be delighted for you to join them next yearCool                                                                                                                                                                             
Jansky1960's Profile

In: Grantham
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What does FFS stand for, some of the thoughts I have are totally unprintable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol Embarrassed                                                                                                                                                                              
Triumph_Sy's Profile

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lol!...yeah, well.... my sentiments exactly!!! hehe!! Can't remember off the top of me head....sure one a them will enlighten you!!....try either Wannabe/Karey/Diamond Sabre/Holmfirthgirl...um...all i can think of for now!!...sorry if thats not much help:o)...                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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Just a p-take abbreviation, originally derived from "Fearsome FourSome", Jan Wink                                                                                                                                                                              
Jansky1960's Profile

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Oh an there's me thinking it stood "For F**ks Sake" ------ well really I can be so silly at times lol                                                                                                                                                                              
Herne's Profile

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ahhhh Thanks wannabe hon cos like jansky I also thought it stood for that Embarrassed                                                                                                                                                                             
Deleted Member's Profile
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U ever see any of these lasses ride? Everyone who does says " Oh FFS!"     *legs it*                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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Well of course it also stands for the more common usage of FFS... Taking the mickey out of ourselves... It was just a handy abbreviation to pick when the original 3 Amigos became 4... Now we number many!

We are now, in fact, Legion...

We could do with some chaps, but we seem a little thin on the ground for newbie rider fellas...?

I reckon people will be saying more than FFS if I ever get my hands on a bike... I am spectacularly bad at riding ;o)
Deleted Member's Profile
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When I started out many moons ago, peeps used to say "XK - for FFS!" But I perservered. Now they say " XK - u ride like a tw*t!" Ah - now that's wot I call progress!                                                                                                                                                                             
Roachy's Profile

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Another update...   Decided to go to work yesterday on the bike. Booked a half day so I could go in late and leave early to avoid, traffic, bad light and icy roads. Got to work ok, no problems really, made a couple of wrong turns as never travelled the route before.   Going home (well to Geoff's) was a little more eventful. Everyone at work came out at 2pm to see me set off, talk about pressure!! I kept em waiting 15 mins while I strapped everything to the bike, got myself sorted and warmed the bike up! I set off (didn't bin it in the carpark in front of everyone - thankfully!) and I got maybe 2 or 3 miles, then missed my turning. Turned into a private road for a farm and attempted a u-turn...and fell off! Quickly got up, switched the bike off and thought...sh*t...how do I pick this up? After a couple of failed attempts, I managed to get the bars straight and held rigid and pulled, then pushed and got it upright. At this point I was on the right (or wrong) side of the bike, feeling a little shaky from the fall and the effort of picking the bike up and didn't fancy trying to walk round the bike and risking it toppling over again. Thankfully Geoff had fitted the side stand at the weekend so I leant over, flicked it down and let the bike go away from me onto it.   Quick text to say, "just dropped the bike but we're ok" and off I tootled again.   After all that drama I decided it would be a good idea to attempt my first night ride so myself and Geoff went to Squires for tea. My friend always goes and I thought it would be a good chance to let him see the bike. It was a lovely evening last night, no sign of an early frost or anything and there was only one other bike there!! Couldn't believe it, even my friend had gone in his car. He decided he wanted to watch me ride off too, so cue more pressure!   I had a good day despite dropping the bike and I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later and no doubt it won't be the only time either.   Sorry for waffling - it's one thing I'm really good at!   Oh, almost forgot - I've booked my theory test for 22nd Dec! OMG!!                                                                                                                                                                              
Wannabe's Profile

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Nice one Roachy!

That's our girl! Straight back on and off she goes Big smile Tis the only way and at least you've got that 'orrible bit out the way already - like you say, it's guaranteed to happen sooner or later!

Theory shmeory... easy innit? It's like shelling peas Wink Have you done the example papers online yet? You won't have a problem. (Says she, who hasn't done it! Hehehe!)

If you're too bothered by it, I'll go sit your theory test and you go have my hysterical-wreck-2-me if you like? I'm more than willing! LOL
Roachy's Profile

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I've done a couple of mock tests so far. Got 44/50 on the first and 47/50 on the second. That's without looking at a highway code since 1993 so I'm not too concerned about the questions.   It's the hazard perception test I'm more bothered about. I should be able to spot hazards and developing hazards but I'm not too clear what's they're looking for yet. A few practice sessions should sort that out that. I've got a DVD to help me prepare for it.   Ermmm, it's a lovely offer WB and I'm sorely tempted. I'm looking forward to my own op in Jan more than this blasted test!                                                                                                                                                                              
Wannabe's Profile

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You should be OK if you put some practice in... Having spoken to a driving instructor about the hazard one, he said the main problem with people who have already driven for a long time taking the hazard awareness bit is that you tend to anticipate the hazards TOO SOON! lol i.e. before the computer expects you to... if you click too early, you don't get the points...

You'll be fine :o) Just try not to get into the school exam frame of mind... treat it like you're just showing them you're well aware of the theory and not like they're testing you...

As for the offer - any time - I'm always happy to help a fellow BMer! Hehehe!

Karey's Profile

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Well Done Rachel!  You are coming on in leaps and bounds!  Good luck wiv the theory! Some great advice from WB too! Thumbs Up   *WB... how u fixed for compiling the FFS handbook?*  Big smile                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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Ooooh now there's an idea... I'll draft it up while I'm in hozzy! Gotta bring some pennies in somehow... Discounted for founding members o'course! LOL                                                                                                                                                                              
Karey's Profile

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lol ...dunt u be chuckling yr stitches open tho!    Eeeeh...we WILL get sum funding for the FFS needy cause !! Thumbs Up                                                                                                                                                                             
micksaway's Profile

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RoachyMy nipper took the hazard perception test on the driving standards stand up at the nec last sat and passed it. You will breeze it just relax and enjoy.   Good to see you jumped straight back on. It happens to us all from time to time. Its the only down side to two wheels little unstable. Bit like some riders.                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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little unstable. Bit like some riders.

Not to mention pillions!


I'm going to have to watch that giggling aren't I Karey? It was bad enough the other week with just 3 or 4 stitches! D'oh!

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