What's the Problem...

42 Posts | Latest reply on 03/10/2008 08:12:50 by TeeCee | Go to original / last post
Karey's Profile

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...and a bucket for them to leave their teeth in...   ohh now thats being cruel.....   would u really wanna see that on yr way in?!?!   LOL                                                                                                                                                                              
ttaskmaster's Profile

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I've never been asked to take it off when getting fuel, I've been asked to remove mine before I can even fill up!!Apparently they'd had some late night scrotes on scooters riding off without paying and, clearly, me on a big Cruiser in full leathers filling up in the middle of the rush hour at a crowded station poses a similar risk........ That staff member got told where to stick it!! There arent many very short, fat fellas about on sports bikes Yes there feckin' well are!!!!!I see more on sports bikes than I do on Cruisers round here!! If someone walked in wearing glasses and a hoodie and I was queuing I would immediately be on edge. I'd just shoot them immediately, to be on the safe side :D                                                                                                                                                                             
Silvi's Profile

In: Northallerton
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I work in the Petrol Station of a wellknown Supermarket chain. On Farmyard weekend for instance we have literaly 100's of Bikers coming through. We also have a sign posted to ask to remove Helmets many do so before they even start filling. I personaly only ever ask the little Shi*ts on their Pets and 125's to remove the Helmets to the Point of refusing to serve them unless they do (let me please have some power over these little Barstools!!) When I first started to work there I have asked a couple of bikers to remove Helmets, as I was told I had to by my Boss. but now have given up. And quiet frankly some folk coming in do look better with their lids on!!! One chap, a neighbour and me have started a Game....he walks in with helmet on tinted Visor down and only when I ask him will he take his helmet of...others have asked and he will only lift Visor!!!! Everyone recons I have the 'Magic' touch...lol According to the company it is for security reason and so that no staff member feels threatent!!! In my case I would suggest to any biker to pay outside as I may well pounce on 'em lololo Wink Embarrassed  ..I love bikes/bikers...                                                                                                                                                                             
Wannabe's Profile

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I don't get that at all.   Why pick on 125 riders? Everyone has to start somewhere.   Why does that make someone a little shit? I'll soon be one of them. Just as soon as someone tells a little more truth about the state of their bike for sale in their ad Stern Smile   If your site has a rule about helmets being removed, then surely you should enforce that rule on everyone, not tailor it to fit in with your personal prejudices?   I always remove my lid, asked to or not. I personally feel it's more polite to deal with folk properly face to face. I also remove my sunglasses so people can see my eyes properly. Manners cost nothing.                                                                                                                                                                               
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 I also remove my sunglasses so people can see my eyes properly   That explains the proliferation of statues in KentWink                                                                                                                                                                             
bikebird's Profile

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I don't take mine off, for the simple fact, I wear glasses, and it's a pain in the butt, to carry, and put them back on. I certainly have no objection to taking it off if asked, but all our petrol stations around here, have no signs up. Smile                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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I just treat people the way I would like to be treated, 'little shits' or not otherwise what example do we give?   I leave my helmet on the bike... it stays there ok when I am filling up and it has always been there when I have got back from paying... so far!                                                                                                                                                                             
Phil's Profile

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I have a flip front helmet myself and i flip it up and look at the camera before i lift the nozzle. I think a lot of it is how you present yourself in a shop or a fuel station. I have been asked to remove my lid once by a little oik in summerfield and then he ended up carrying it around the shop for me. hehe wearing a noddy high vis jacket tend to give you the benefit if the doubt because if the stereotypes that the public apply to bikers. sorry if you fit that stereotype but it make my life easier lol.
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Tried it on at at a petrol starton at Thirks.   Silvi told me f off!                                                                                                                                                                               
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{Not Really)                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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*feigns surprise*                                                                                                                                                                             
Karey's Profile

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Tried it on at at a petrol starton at Thirks.   I usedta fill up a little  petrol station at Bedale, the mister usedta come out and do it form me Big smile   He teld me off for sellin my Opel Ascona for a Talbot Solara.. Confused   ok ok.. i know.. but the Opel was a LHD !!!  Unhappy                                                                                                                                                                               
Deleted Member's Profile
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Silvi tells me she is movin to Bedale.   Sounds like theres a party in the offing. Who's up 4 it?                                                                                                                                                                             
Silvi's Profile

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Apologies to Wannabe...I did not make myself clear. I am hoping to be a 125 rider myself soon enough. I was refering to the 17 year olds that tear around on their bikes and pets in large groups at top speeds with no regards to anyone....if you could see them you would know what I mean. We cannot enforce the Lid rule as it is not compulsory or against the Law to walk into a shop with your helmet on...the sign is up as a request...to any helmet wearing person.                                                                                                                                                                               
Wannabe's Profile

In: Dartford
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Apologies aren't necessary Silvi - just don't be surprised if you're also treated with contempt because you're a 125 rider on L-plates... Nobody's going to know that you're not one of those 17 year olds who tears about... Not until after you remove your lid that is. ;o)

We were all 17 once, filled with youthful exuberance and tearing it up with our mates, confident that we knew *everything* and thinking we would live forever... I try to remember that when I'm dealing with young'uns today... treat 'em with a little respect and speak to them on equal terms - 9 times out of 10 you'll get the same treatment back.

Treat them with contempt and single them out and they'll live up to the reputation our hysterical media has built up for them. Why should they behave themselves and pay respect to "us" and our "rules" if they're being treated as if they're all 'orrible little oiks?

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yeh yeh, I hear what your sayin, As far as I am concerned it is different on every occasion. Bussy fuel station, people quein for a pump dont want to be waitin for me to get dressed again before I can vacate the pump, wet weather rain runnin down yer neck when you take yer lid off not much fun in that. It's a matter of common sence and balance as to whether yer take the time to remove yer lid and inconvenience those waitin at the pumps, or let the rain run down yer neck and spend the next 100 miles wishin yer hadn't. On other hand hot sunny day no quein get yer lid off let yer head breath a bit and dont forget to smile and say thanks for the fuel you've just paid an arm and a leg for.   If I was to be asked (so far I hav'nt) to take yer lid off as a pre-requesit to getting fuel I would go elsewhere, wheres the consideration for us bikers.   I ride a tourer and always wear full gear leather or waterproof, car drivers tend to wear shirt jacket or similar, why should people fear the lid, if I was wearin a stockin mask I could understand it, if you look at the stats the high persentage of assaults and thefts are done by people in shirts and jackets not leathers and lids.   If bikers were not steeo-typed as trouble makers there would,nt be any problem, hence it's not me that causes the issue by not removin my lid it's the counter assistants view of bikers thats the issue here.   Thats it had my say, sorry fed up bein treated with suspicion just cos I choose to ride my bike, it's the law that says I have to wear a lid.                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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I really don't think it is a case of bikers being stereotyped... I am sure if a fighter pilot walked in with his helmet on or a knight buying a Mars bar on his way home from a joust wore his helmet into the shop they would be asked to remove it.   If it IS raining, and I am at a garage with no shelter, then I remove my helmet as I enter the shop and put it on as I am walking away from the till and before I leave the shop.   For the general public to show consideration to us, we have to show consideration to them too. What could be better to deter being 'treated with suspicion' than dealing with someone face to face and flashing them a cheeky smile rather than peering through a helmet.   And yes, it is the law to wear a lid, but would you seriously consider NOT wearing one and ride on our roads?   (This reply written in the spirit of a healthy conversation... Smile)                                                                                                                                                                             
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Everone has their own oppinion and I certainly wouldn't want the world to be any different, if we all agreed then nothing would improve. Slightly off the thread of petrol stations, whilst touring with my partner, on the bike of course, I arrived at a nice hotel, wearing my leathers and no helmet I tried to book a room, I was told that the hotel was fully booked. Having driven 1/2 mile down the road I called the same hotel on my mobile to be told that they had several rooms and was given a choice. I booked a room over the phone, and returned to the hotel, the receptionists face told the whole story. Do you think I would have been refused if I had been a Knight or a fighter pilot?   (This reply is also written in the spirit of a healthy conversation... Smile)                                                                                                                                                                             
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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After you had stayed there (and hopefully not chucked the TV out of the window or set fire to your room) did they ever apologise or explain why they initially refused you a room?   (a completely different thing to the 'helmet/knight/fighter pilot in a garage' point but I am still interested)                                                                                                                                                                               
TeeCee's Profile

In: Blair Atholl
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I actually have most of the components for a full set of Knight's armour here, so maybe I should give it a try? Big smile   Could do an experiment to see how people react when I pay for petrol or try to book a room... hmmm.....                                                                                                                                                                             

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