Please accept my apologies folks but I'm going to have to abort operation mass extermination.
It seems I was looking at the wrong legal guidance, to wit the 'Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949' which deals with the control of vermin.
It seems that the peasants in question are technically of the genus Homo and may even be AMH (anatomically modern humans). Personally I doubt this, but until proven otherwise they are to be classed as homo sapiens and we're not allowed to shoot them.
If they really are human they have obviously spent many generations in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Deleted Member
Rat poison it is then.
Double six
That is a terrible shame, I was hoping to get my FAC granted on the strength of littering vermin control.
Can we not all just re-enact Agincourt then..?.i do realise this will mean importing French Knights in some quantity,but as the quarantine question seems to be suitably vague,any BM members P&O staff..?
I'll start stockpiling arrows...:)>>
Steve- not allowed just because they may be human? Where's the 'can do' attitude that made this country great?!
Surely there must be a simple pointer for classification?
How about if their knuckles touch the ground when they stand erect ?(!!!)
Although,then you're including teenage males, Millwall supporters,and Neaderthals into the mix...:/
invalid characters
Actually Jinx, I raced a Rob North T150 for several seasons and the seating position suggests that description might apply to Rob North as well.
Ended up having a "Booster cushion" made!